Chapter 35: Let Bygones be Bygones

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Third Person's POV

For the past few days, Jisoo stayed home at Taehyung's villa. The drink Aunt Hee served 4 days ago was indeed tampered with. The results she received showed that it contained pills for miscarriage.

Aunt Hee was being extra cautious and almost let Jisoo consume that pill.

Whether I'm pregnant or not, she was making sure that I have nothing connected to Taehyung. How conniving she is Jisoo thought as she sat alone on the bed

At first Jisoo just planned to make the Parks lose some profits, but she never imagined that Aunt Hee could be so vicious to even do something like that to her.

"Doesn't she trust me?" Jisoo whispered to herself, slightly aggrieved.

Thinking back on how two-faced Aunt Hee acted last time, she shook off her disappointment.

Aunt Hee never trusted me. She was only being kind in front of me to uphold her reputation.

Jisoo dug her nails into her palms "I cannot let her off easily this time."

Jisoo turned to look at her phone sitting by the side. She paused as if contemplating something important then reached for her phone, dialing a number.

"Hello? Can I visit you guys now?"


Jisoo stood by the front door, taking a deep breath, she pressed the doorbell and waited for someone to answer.

The door opened and a familiar face greeted her

"Jisoo unnie..." Jennie blinked in surprise, Jisoo came to visit so fast "Come.. come in.."

Jisoo nodded and followed her inside, it's been quite a while since Jisoo has visited the girls and she realized, she can't stay mad at Jennie forever. If she's gonna take Aunt Hee down, she can't do it alone.

The always noisy mansion is eerily silent today. Jisoo thought to herself

"Lisa's not here." Jennie said as she urged Jisoo to sit, it's as if Jennie read her thoughts.

"Hm.. travelling again?" Jisoo inquired as she took a seat on the comfy sofa

"No.. Some kind of emergency happened to her mom but she won't tell the details, she immediately left after she received a phone call three days ago."

"What.. Why didn't she tell me? I could have accompanied her!" Jisoo exclaimed, her voice loud in anger..

"That's exactly why she didn't want to inform you first thing. She said she wanted to go back to Thailand alone and she doesn't wanna worry you." Jennie shrugged

"What about Rosé?"

"She's getting busier these days too, she's close to debut."

"Jennie..." Jisoo started

"Jisoo unnie, I'm sorry." Jennie said abruptly, not daring to meet her cousin's eyes.

"Let bygones be bygones." Jisoo waved, not wanting to dwindle on the past anymore.

"Then.. what have you come here for?" Jennie asked

"I came here to ask if Aunt Hee continued to bother you after that day at the hospital?"

"Ah.. n- no.." Jennie answered softly

"Jennie? Say that again and look me in the eye." Jisoo pressed, it seems that Aunt Hee is still threatening Jennie even after I told her not to.

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