Twenty Nine - Keefe

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After Sophie fell asleep, Keefe helped Elwin transfer Oralie and his mother's body on to two cots, trying to avoid as many questions as he could. But the physician intensely interviewed him and Keefe was forced to retell the events of that day.

When he had finished, Elwin just stared at Oralie's body. His eyes were fixated on the scars lining her neck. "I can't believe it," he muttered, checking and rechecking her pulse to see if she was really gone.

But she was.

And Elwin's pained expression punched a hole in Keefe's heart.

Elwin didn't even know Oralie well, but if he was taking it so badly, how would everyone else react?

Probably not well.

His mother was still knocked out on the cot next to Oralie. Elwin had given her an elixir to keep her knocked out for at least 24 hours. In that time they'd have to figure out what to do with her.

Keefe wanted to send her straight to Exile, but a piece of him wanted her memories searched. Maybe then they'd have a chance at defeating the rest of the Neverseen.

Keefe sat silently on his cot for hours, but sleep just wouldn't come. Despite his exhaustion, he didn't want to miss anything else. He'd already lost over a week of time to his coma, and he wasn't willing to lose any more.

He watched Sophie's chest rise and fall, grateful that she was still breathing. If there was anything good left in the world, it was her.

She was alive.

And that was all Keefe asked for.


A couple hours later, Sophie's eyelids flickered open, squinting at the bright fluorescent lights on the ceiling.

Her face was red from tears and her clothing was still splattered with blood, but to Keefe she looked like a masterpiece.

As she blinked rapidly, Keefe stood and went to her side. "Any nightmares?" He asked softly.

She shook her head with a small smile. "None."

Keefe exhaled as he sat on the cot next to her, pulling her close to him. She leaned her head on his shoulder, her breathing quiet and even. Her emotions were calm and peaceful, and they sent a sense of tranquility through him.

The tender moment was interrupted by a cacophony of voices from out in the hall. It sounded like Elwin arguing with a loud, female voice.

The door burst open and Ro strode in, her choppy pigtails dyed neon green. She looked like she was about to make a snarky comment, but stopped dead in her tracks.

And stared. At Keefe and Sophie.

Elwin scrambled into the room after her. "Sorry," he apologized, "I hailed her after your, um . . . incident."

A bright grin lit up Ro's face as she plopped onto the cot next to theirs. She propped her head on her hands and said, "Soooo . . . Who confessed first?"

Sophie's face turned red and gave it away.

"No way!" Ro laughed, "She figured it out? Our girl isn't oblivious anymore? 'Cause I gotta say, it's about time."

Keefe crossed his arms and smirked at her. "Actually," he said smuggly, "she's my girl."

Ro pulled a dagger from her belt and sliced the air in triumph. "The day has finally come!"

Sophie's face flamed even brighter red, but she was smiling.

Elwin walked up beside her and gave her a glare. "Put the dagger away, Romhilda." He said her name with sarcastic enthusiasm.

The princess turned the knife on the physician. "If you call me by my full name one more time, you'll be cut into pieces before you can say 'Sokeefe.'"

But she complied and put the dagger away as Elwin shot her another pointed glare before disappearing into his office.

Keefe flipped his gaze back to Ro, who was giving them a look that seemed to say, aren't they the cutest?

"Where've you been?" Keefe asked his bodyguard, who was bringing her claws through her bright hair, which were painted the same neon color.

"Ugh," Ro said with a snort, "your dad found my stash of bacteria buddies and unleashed them on me."

Keefe laughed. "Seriously? He took you out for two weeks?"

Ro glared at him. "Only a week and a half, pretty boy."

Now Sophie was laughing too, an angelic sound Keefe hadn't heard in a long while.

"Soooo," Ro drew out, plopping backwards on her cot, "Have you told the Fitzster that Sokeefe is official?

"Um . . ." Sophie said, her smile fading a little, "not exactly."

"Ohhhh, can I break it to him?" Ro laughed, "I'd love to see his face!" She pulled up into a seated position and started cleaning beneath her claws with a dagger.

"We've got bigger problems," Sophie muttered, and Keefe had to agree, glancing at the two bodies lying on cots—one dead, one unconscious.

"Yeah," Ro said, her tone darkening. "You definitely do. But—"

"I need to search your mom's memories," Sophie interrupted, seeming to come to the decision abruptly.

"You don't have to, Foster," Keefe said, sending another breeze through her mind as her emotions flipped to fear. "I understand."

"I know you do," She agreed, squeezing his hand. "But I have to do this."

Keefe nodded, knowing he wouldn't be able to convince her otherwise. You couldn't take the bravery out of her because she was Sophie Foster. And that was the very reason he loved her.

Ro lay sprawled on her cot, undeterred as Sophie pressed her fingers against Lady Gisela's temples and closed her eyes. Keefe sat on his bed, heart thumping in his chest.

After 217 seconds, Sophie yanked her hands away, her eyelids snapping open. Her gold flecked eyes were clouded in worry and fear, just what Keefe didn't want.

"What'd you see?" The words sounded shaky as they left his mouth.

Sophie sank to the floor and brought a hand through her hair, seemingly lost in her thoughts.

"Foster?" Keefe said, sinking to the floor next to her.

Even Ro looked up from her nails, interested.

He took her hands in his, holding them tightly. He pleaded with his eyes, silently begging for information.

With a shudder Sophie said, "Her mind. It's . . . Broken."

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