Chapter 6: Fresh Tattoo

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"Alright, you ready?" Adam asked Hunter, who was slightly shaking.

We were gathered around Hunter, who sitting in rolling chair, waiting for Adam to starting the inking. I was still on Pheonix's back because- well I don't know why. Hunter's first choice for a tattoo was to get a small dauntless symbol on his wrist.

Hahaha that so wasn't happening now.

Sara had pointed out this awesome tattoo that would take up the whole arm. The tattoo looked as if his arm was torn up, but inside it was like some robotic parts. Overall, it would look amazing on Hunter. Hunter was hesitant at first, that was until we started the pussy chant again. He then reluctantly agreed to do it, muttering things about friends shouldn't put peer pressure on each other.

"Uh, not really..." Hunter said shakily. "Can you give me a count down?"

"Ok." Adam said biting his lip. He always bites his lip when he's telling a lie.

"Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four." Adam stopped counting on four and just proceeded to run a needle across Hunter's skin.

"Oh Adam, that wasn't nice." I play scold.

"Yeah, look how much you scared the poor boy." Pheonix joins me in the scolding.

Sure enough, Hunter looked like he was about to piss his pants.

"Are you okay dude, not going dizzy on me are you?" Adam said, stopping and looking up.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for caring man, you're a really good friend." Hunter says turning to him.

"Umm, no offense but it's a part of my job to ask people that.." Adam said awkwardly.

"Since when we're you and Adam friends?" Sara asked Hunter.

"We've been friends for years." He answered.

"No we haven't." That was true, Hunter and Adam barely had a conversation with each other.

"Hahaha, the ultimate rejection." Peyton joked.

"Peyton don't be so mean." Sara reprimanded Peyton.

"Oh come on I was kidding!" Peyton shot back. "Wasn't I kidding Vana?"

"Don't bring me into this."

Peyton and Sara continued to argue as Hunter was in the background in pain.

Pheonix started backing up, with me still on his back.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking down at him. He shushed me, and proceeded to silently back out of the room unnoticed.

"Now will you answer my question?" I asked.

"We are going to have some fun." Pheonix said before bolting down the hallway.


Listen here and listen well.

When Pheonix talks about having fun, you are going to be in trouble.

Big trouble.

Now, we were standing in front of Eric's glaring face.

"Explain to me, why you would leave the compound will without a dauntless member?" Eric says menacingly. Neither of us said anything for a long time.


"You see uhhhh... W-we were just...... exploring?" Pheonix explained with a question.

"That's not enough for me."

"We were bored, and stupid. S-so I decided it would be fun to take a loop around the city. It was all my idea." I technically lied about it being my fault, but the other part was completely true.

Eric's eyes darted from Pheonix to me, and staying on me.

"Well Pheonix, since you're not as much as a troublemaker as her, you may leave. But know that if I find you out of this compound again, that I won't hesitate to give you bigger consequences. Now get out before I change my mind." Eric spits out harshly.

Pheonix did as told, glancing behind his shoulder at me a few times. After he left the room, closing the door behind him Eric took a few steps toward me. I started backing up, frightened, with each step he took.

His hands clenched by his sides into fists as I backed away. Not long after, my back hit a wall.

"You won't hurt me." I breath out, trying to convince myself that what I said was true.

"I told you to go to bed." Eric said quiet.

Uh oh, a quiet Eric is a dangerous Eric.

"I uhhh.."

"Stand in front of the target." He commands still quietly.

I did as told without questioning it.

"I know how I'll decide this. I'm going to shoot at you three times. If you flinch any one of those times you're punishment will be extremely severe. If you don't you're punishment won't be as unfortunate. Ready?"

I nod, and there was a bang.


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