Chapter 40

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||Adriana's POV||

When I woke up, I reached over expecting to feel Gabriel right next to me.


I sat up and grabbed my phone from his nightstand beside me.

"11:42 AM" My phone read.

The creak of the door startled me as Gabriel walked through it.

"You're finally up." He walks over to kiss me but I quickly shield my lips with my hand.

"I didn't brush my teeth yet." My words come out more muffled.

"And..." he trails of.

"And I'm going to brush my teeth now." I smile even though my hand is still covering my mouth.

When I walked into his bathroom, I automatically looked under his sink for an extra toothbrush because that's where everyone keeps the right?


"There's some behind the mirror." Gabriel says from the bed.

I quickly turn to look at him to ensure that I heard him and looked back at the mirror in front of me.

I slide it open, revealing face products, toothpaste, cough medicine, and extra toothbrushes.

"There's some mouthwash on the rack besides the towels." He says in the middle of me scrubbing my tongue.

I shoot him a thumbs up and as I walk over to the rack I hear him laugh.

"What?" I ask, filling the cap with mouthwash.

"Who the fucks does thumbs up? What are you, 5?" He chuckles again, walking over to the bathroom.

"Shut up, my mouth was full so I couldn't speak." I roll my eyes jokingly.

"Sorta wish it was full of something else." He stands at the doorway of the bathroom, his dark brown eyes beam onto mines.

My mouth falling open in shock was enough for him to laugh at me again.

"I'll take you home to get washed up and dressed so we can go out for lunch with Joaquín."

I agree to the plan and finish up washing my face off.

When we got to my apartment building, I picked Joaquín up and we both got ready for the day.

We decided on Chick-fil-A and headed there.

"Im starving." Joaquín says as we walk over to one of the tables.

"You didn't eat breakfast?" I question, taking a seat at one of the booths beside the window.

"Oh I did but im starving again." He smiles, grabbing a fry from the tray.

"Well say you're hungry. You've never been starved so dont use that word, understand?" I make sure he's looking at me as every word leaves my mouth.

"I understand." He nods.

"Did you have fun at your friends house last night?" Gabriel lightens the conversation.

"Yeah! We played on the playstation until 2 AM! He beat me in 2k three times but it was still fun." His smile grows.

"That's nice, glad you enjoyed yourself king." Gabriel finally takes a bite of his chicken sandwich.

"What about you? Did you have fun last night?" Joaquín innocently asks.

"Oh fasure! We-"

I kick his leg under the table.

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