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LORELEI SAT DOWN WITH A HUFF NEXT TO ANGELINA ON THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS FOR HER FINAL YEAR. She felt worn out already with how the morning went. Fred and George knocking Ginny down the stairs, Molly shouting making Walburga shout, Sirius's defiant attitude toward seeing them off (she loved him a lot for that), and the large Guard that Harry needed to protect him on the twenty-minute walk to King's Cross. Lorelei had a massive headache, so she kissed George's cheek and let him go with Fred to sell some of their products.

"I'm really happy for you, you know," Angelina started with a grin. Lorelei stuffed George and Fred's trunks away with her feet before sitting Brizo on her lap. She looked at Angelina with a smile. "Just know you'll be hearing my opinions quite often."

"I expected that, Angie," Lorelei said with a grin. "I was surprised. You would've been better at it."

"You don't know that. I'm proud of you, Lor," Angelina said again with a genuine smile before divulging into her summer recap. Lorelei, when asked, had to give her a few white lies to how her summer went. She left a lot of blanks, but that's what the Order was: a secret.

Angelina had brought up the Harry and Voldemort chaos that was all over the newspapers, and Lorelei narrowed her eyes. "You do believe him, don't you? I mean, you know what happened in Moody's office. He was a Death Eater posing. You don't believe--"

Angelina snorted a laugh. "Of course, I believe you and Harry! You-Know-Who's been after Harry since he was born. It was a matter of time," she finished with a shrug. "We just have to be careful saying that out loud. Mum was almost fired at the Ministry for saying she believed him."

"This year is going to be absolute hell," Lorelei mumbled while stroking Brizo's shell.

After a while, Lorelei stood up to go check on Harry--she had a nervous feeling about him now if he was out of her sights for too long. She let Angelina hold Brizo when Lee and the twins returned to the carriage and left.

She saw Malfoy and his goons taunting Harry and his friends. Pulling out her wand just as Hermione yelled for him to get out, she allowed her eyes to darken and teeth to elongate. She loved having control over it. "Shove off, Malfoy."

Malfoy only smirked at her. "Or what, Black? You might want to remember that I'm a Prefect," he said smugly, tugging on his shirt to show off his badge.

"Super, and I'm a temperamental mermaid who's been itching to beat your arse since my third-year. Get out of here," Lorelei said with a sickly sweet smile that made his smug smirk drop. Cursing her once more, he shoved past her with his friends.

She saw the occupants of the compartment all smiling at her. Lorelei grinned further when she noticed the blonde reading a magazine upside down. "Hello, Luna." She had spoken to Luna a total of three times in the past four years, but the girls knew of Pandora helping Amatheia seventeen years ago.

Luna looked up dreamily. "Hello, Lorelei. You look very unhappy."

"Er... thanks. I just wanted to check on you lot. Hey, Neville," she replied waving at them. He said hello right back.

Ron sniggered. "You don't have to check on us, Lor. We can handle ourselves."

Lorelei glared at the red-head. "I never said you couldn't. It eases my nerves, you twit."

Ginny snorted a laugh as Harry grinned at her then back to the mermaid. He beamed when she gave him the smile she has reserved for him. He said with a nod of his head, "We're fine, Lor."

"Okay. I'll let you be, then. See you at school," she mumbled feeling stupid for checking on them. Nothing would happen on the train, she thought. Then, she rethought when her mind went to the dementors in her fifth-year.

Turning away, she heard Ron yelp, "Ouch, Hermione!"

Hermione yelled back, "You're insensible, Ronald! You know she's been having trouble this summer. If keeping an eye on us--on Harry--eases her nerves, then let her be."

"All right, all right!" Ron said grumpily making Lorelei smirk a bit.

When in the Great Hall, Lorelei sat in between George and Harry. Fred was on George's left. Lorelei noticed a pink puff at the staff table and narrowed her eyes at the woman. When the woman--Umbridge, she remembered Dumbledore's words--met the mermaid's eyes, she had the nerve to smirk. After the feast that Lorelei barely ate, she sighed at Dumbledore's long speech that was about to begin. She loved the man, really, but after Order meetings over the summer, she was tired of his voice.

Dumbledore started with the normal things Mr. Filch asks him to say about what is forbidden, and then he says that Professor Grubbly-Plank will take Care without giving details where Hagrid had gone. Once he introduced Professor Dolores Umbridge, he quickly moved on but was interrupted.

"Hem, hem."

No one ever interrupted Albus Dumbledore. The look on his face was shocked like most of the students in the hall.

"Thank you, Headmaster," Professor Umbridge simpered, "for those kind words of welcome. Well, it is lovely to be back at Hogwarts, I must say..."

Lorelei would take Dumbledore's voice over this nasally pink puff any day.

"And to see such happy little faces looking back at me!" Lorelei looked around. No one was smiling, not even a smirk on the twin's faces. The woman continued, "I am very much looking forward to getting to know you all, and I'm sure we'll be very good friends!"

"That's likely," Fred and George said a little loudly, making the woman glare their way. Lorelei felt George place a hand on her thigh to which she hadn't noticed was bouncing up and down in anxiety. He glanced her way with a small smile.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. The rare gifts with which you are born may come to nothing if not nurtured and honed by careful instruction. The ancient skills unique to the Wizarding community must be passed down through the generations lest we lose them forever. The treasure trove of magical knowledge amassed by our ancestors must be guarded, replenished, and polished by those who have been called to the noble profession of teaching..." Lorelei began to tune the woman out. Leaning her head on Harry's shoulder, she saw the pink puff narrow her eyes at the pair.

At the end of the speech, Hermione said exactly what the Gryffindors sitting around her were thinking: "It means the Ministry's interfering at Hogwarts."

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