Chapter 2 | Sadie

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By the time I got back to my desk, Margot had already returned to her computer and was typing away.

"Are you okay?" I asked, attempting to forget the unpleasantness of our last interaction. Margot ignored me and continued tapping her fingers loudly on her fancy keyboard.Typical.

The rest of the day went by without any surprises, thankfully, and I felt oddly content as I boarded the subway to my new apartment. It had cost me almost all of my savings and a little help from my parents, but at least I had a place to call home. The fact that it was pretty close to work was an added bonus. Finally arriving at my new address, I looked up in apprehension at my new apartment building.

It was homely to say the least. A dark brown hue, vines lined the walls of the exterior and curled around the fire escape. Walking down the bus steps and onto the sidewalk below, I wouldn't describe the smell of the area as being particularly pleasant. But I could take it.

A friendly older woman greeted me on the first floor. "You must be Sadie," she stated energetically. "Welcome to Edge Lofts. Here is your key. Your apartment number is 368." I took the keys gratefully. "Also, our elevator is going through maintenance," she added. "The stairs are located to your right."

As I walked up the stairs I brainstormed all the things I needed to get done today. Lists were the one thing I was good at, being a bit of an organization freak. First, I had to get to my apartment and start researching this Earl Wilson man. In all honesty, he seemed like a complete douche-bag and I wasn't entirely looking forward to representing him.

Suddenly, I made contact with someone in front of me. Who stands in the middle of a stairwell?

"The hell?" came a strangely familiar voice. I looked up to be face-to-face with Margot Lopez. "Watch where you're going you klutz!" she exclaimed with irritation. Her dark eyes narrowed as recognition swept over her face. "You! What the hell are you doing here, Sydney?"

"It's actually..." I restrained myself, figuring it was no use correcting her. "This is my apartment building."

"No shit," Margot stated in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me. Room number?"


"That's it, the universe hates me," she lamented, staring up at the ceiling.

"Look, I get it. You don't want me to be here," I said, anger spilling into my voice. "But I had no control over this unfortunate coincidence, so why don't we just be mature and handle this like adults."

Margot's eyes bore into mine, but I refused to look away. After seemingly forever, she sighed. "Fine. But just stay the fuck away from me."

"Not a problem," I answered, sarcasm seeping into my voice.

To my surprise, Margot's angry expression relaxed slightly. "So about this new case, I don't know if I could ever defend a man like that. What a monster."

I nodded in agreement, startled by her sudden mood change. "I know, but this is our job."

"Yeah, it sucks though." We stood there silently for a few long seconds before she turned to me quickly. "You're applying for a spot on the case, aren't you?"

"Actually, Cynthia offered me a spot already," I answered. I instantly regretted telling the truth as Margot's expression turned furious once again.

"How could you agree to defend a scumbag like that?" she responded accusingly, her voice strangely hurt. "What is wrong with you?"

"It's not like I can refuse. It's my first day!" I shot back.

"So some job is more important to you than your morals," Margot replied, glowering at me in disgust.

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