Chapter 16

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So uh..... Remember a while back when I had Lloyd and Garmadon talk about Morro telling Lloyd to... Yah know off himself, well that's mentioned again so uh.... This is a warning.... Okay? Ok.... Uh... Enjoy the chapter. -Star

Kai walked down a hallway, headed for his room, when a loud crash and yelling came from the floor above, Lloyd's room. So, Kai rushed upstairs to make sure the blond was okay. The other ninja had heard too, and were all rushing to Lloyd's room. They flung open the door, and there was Lloyd fighting someone, the person had a knife which has some sort of weird glowing green goo on it. "Hey guys!" He called. "Little help please?"

After a short while, the attacker was stuck in the curtains on the window, and couldn't get themself untangled. Many curses were said in the ten minutes that the intruder was stuck. "Hey, it's not our fault you got stuck in the curtains." Jay spoke as the attacker's hood fell.

"Holy shit, Harumi? Aren't you dead?" Cole asked.

"Please no more ghosts." Lloyd mumbled before taking a breath. "If she were a ghost, she would've gotten out of the curtains by now." He pointed out.

"Obviously I'm not dead idiots." Harumi spat as she tried to get untangled, something fell out of her pocket, a vile of something that glowed green, and a small label on it.

Zane snatched the vile, and read the latel. "Devourer's Venom..." He read to the group.

"Wait, were you trying to turn Lloyd evil?" Kai asked.

"Well, the knife has it on it, because that way if he didn't die when I stabbed him, he'd just turn evil and off the rest of you, but ya know, curtains." Harumi grumbled.

"So, turning him evil was Plan B?" Jay mumbled. "Come to think of it, it's surprising only one of our enemies has ever really thought of that........ Everyone else just tries to kill him."

"Hey!" Lloyd said, offended. "Actually no, that's true.... Minus Morro... Kind of... After he possessed me then he tried to kill me.... And ditch me in another realm..." 

"He also told you to-" Kai began.

"We'Re NoT gOnNa TaLk AbOuT tHaT!"

"Told him to what?" Jay asked.

"You didn't tell them?!" Kai exclaimed.

"NyA kNoWs."

"Did you tell anyone else?"

"WhY wOuLd I?!"

"Because they're also your friends and would care if you did that!"

"BuT I DoN't WaNt To TeLl ThEm."

"If you don't I will!"

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