Chapter 10

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Hi! This is Lauren! And I would like to say thanks so much for reading this story! And that I'm so thankful for all the support! Sorry, this is a bit later than usual (I try to get a chapter in per week) just wanted to pop in and say sorry. I included a bit of an extra scene at the end as an apology. It gets a little steamy, not too bad. I don't usually write stuff like that often so if it's bad my apologizes.

Also, let me know if you all like these author notes or not. I personally don't like them too much when I read stories, but I'm not sure how you'll feel about it. Anyway thanks for reading this and if you skipped I understand (I do it too sometimes...well most of the time).  Anyway, on with the reading!



As dinner was cleared Alpha James stood and addressed the pack.

"I know the start of this meal was a bit tense.  Alyson, Dustin, Daniel and I are going to leave dinner a bit early so we may discuss what we'll do about the situation with the forest. Now please excuse us," Alpha James says.

"But Uncle James!" Hayden started to argue, Alyson gave him a quick head shake and mouthed the words no. He looked at her with defeated eyes.

"If he tries anything, call me. He may be my alpha but you're my mate," Hayden says his brows creasing. Alyson smiled softly at his words and kissed his forehead softly before following the other three out.

They went to a room at the back of the house, books lined the walls and a round table was sat in the middle of the room. The walls were padded which gave Alyson goosebumps. She knew these walls had seen a lot of yelling in the past and will most likely today. 

James sat in one seat Dustin on his right daniel on his left and Alyson across from him. Instantly Alyson could feel the power and authority in the air. She knew she gave off authoritative vibes, but the amount of testosterone in this room felt suffocating.

"Now I'd like to have a nice civil discussion about what just happened out there," Alpha James says like he wasn't the one flying off the handle and trying to use his alpha powers on her. Everyone nodded.

"Okay firstly. I want to know how on earth you were able to disobey an alpha order," James says his eyes like darts trying to piece her skin.

"I suppose it has something to do with her mental abilities," Daniel offered.

"I suppose it could be that when you spoke aloud your orders. I felt nothing. But when you spoke them in my mind I felt them coming from the connection then as tried to access my own mind it simply dissipated," Alyson said sitting back in her chair watching Dustin and James. She didn't trust them, she knew Dustin would most definitely attack her if given the chance,  and James would surely not stop him.

"I cannot have the pack seeing you disobey me like that. It may cause unjust in the pack," James says.

"Well it's a little too late for that, isn't it? since you decided to flip out in front of the entire pack just now," Alyson said smartly.

"You watch that tone, young lady. You just got this position yesterday. Now you think you can go saying anything you want," James barked.

"No, I've realized how piss poor your leadership is. I have no respect for those who use their power to make others do their dirty work. I've seen what you're like. That sorry excuse for a facade won't fool me, I can see past it," Alyson said evenly crossing her arms. Watching as James started to squirm.

"Listen, young lady. You're not going to say such things to me in my own home," James says quickly losing his cool.

"No, I will because it's not just your home. This is the home for the pack! Not just your home!" Alyson's words held a bit of bite.

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