giant brothers

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The final quidditch match was between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Montague hadn't recovered, so Slytherin lost against Hufflepuff. Gryffindor wasn't daring to hope for a victory because they knew their team sucked.

"I mean, I can't get any worse, can I?" Ron asked grimly. There were all at breakfast the morning of the match. "Nothing to lose now, is there?"

"You know," Hermione said as they walked down to the pitch. Ron had already gone to get ready, so it was just Harry and Rose with her. "Ron might do better since Fred and George aren't here. They never really encouraged him, did they?"

"Maybe..." Rose said as Luna Lovegood walked past them, a giant fake eagle on her head.

"Cho will be playing, won't she?" Hermione asked. Harry and Rose both grunted. The three friends sat down close to the top of the stands. The sky was clear and it was comfortable out. Lee Jordan was commentating the match and he had just started when a whisper distracted the three friends.


Rose looked and saw Hagrid's face sticking through the seats. He was bent over as if he was hiding, even though he was still much taller that everyone else.

"Listen," Hagrid whispered. "Can you come with me? While everyone is watching the match?"

"Can it wait until the match is over?" Harry asked.

", it's got to be now...while everyone is watching the match...please," Hagrid whispered. Both of his eyes were black and his nose was bleeding.

"Of course we'll come," Harry said quickly. The three friends made their way past the other students as Hagrid did the same.

"I appreciate this," Hagrid said once they reached the steps. He looked around anxiously. "I just hope she doesn't notice us going."

"You mean Umbridge?" Harry asked. "She won't. She has her whole Inquisitorial Squad around her like she's expecting trouble."

"A bit of trouble wouldn't hurt," Hagrid mumbled, pausing to make sure the area between the stands and his hut were empty. "Might give us more time."

"What exactly are we doing Hagrid?" Rose asked.

"You'll see..." Hagrid said as a giant roar erupted from the stands. "Did someone just score?"

"It'll be Ravenclaw," Harry said sadly.

"Good...that's good..." Hagrid muttered, obviously not paying attention. Hagrid walked straight past his hut and to the forest.

"We're going in here," Hagrid said when he saw that Hermione had turned to his hut.

"Into the forest?" Hermione asked, looking perplexed.

"Yeah," Hagrid said. "Come on, now, before anyone sees us!"

Rose, Harry and Hermione all shared a look before ducking into the trees after Hagird. Rose was able to see his crossbow over his arm.

"Hagrid, why do you have a crossbow?" Rose asked.

"Just a precaution," Hagrid said with a shrug.

"You didn't bring your crossbow when we were seeing the Thesterals," Hermione reminded him.

"Well, we didn't go that far in then," Hagrid grunted. "And Firenze was still in the forest then."

"What does Firenze leaving the forest have to do with it?" Rose asked. She tripped over a root and scrapped her hand on a tree. Rose hissed in pain for a few seconds, but then her hand healed, causing her to let out a small, happy smile.

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