The Man Who Can't Be Moved

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"I'm not broke I'm just a broken hearted man
I know it makes no sense but what else can I do
How can I move on when I'm still in love with you
'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinkin' maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street
So I'm not moving, I'm not moving"

"Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go"



If you think about it, it's strange how life works. Less than six months ago, I just had a boyfriend, a plan for a restaurant in London, and I was convinced I would never have spoken to my best friend again.

Six months later, I have a fiancee, a wedding coming up and even if we have our ups and downs, I have my best friend back in my life. And to think that six months ago I'd rather choke on my spit than see him again.

Now, I don't want to say that after our last fight everything is back to normal, I still have my reservations about him and he is still not back on my wedding guest list, but he is working hard to get back on my good side.

It's been five days since our talk, - part of me knows that we still have much to discuss, but I'm pushing it aside - and I'm finally back in shape.

Yesterday I restart with the Masterclass and currently, I'm doing an Instagram live while I prepare a savory rustic cake. I love doing this sort of things, being able to reply to all the questions people who bought my book or saw the cooking show has for me makes me feel good.

"Okay, so... Once you have poured some oil in a medium pan like this one." I explain, showing the pan to my phone, "You have to put it on the stove at medium heat and add the peas and the previously roasted and chopped red pepper and let it cook for like... 3 minutes. After that, we'll add the spinach."

I follow my own indication and mix everything in the pan, looking from time to time at the phone to answer questions, " Yes, you can use a green pepper, I prefer red ones because they give a little bit of colour to everything but they taste just the same."

"My friend Carter, that is watching me right now, loves this rustic, he is a fan of goat cheese, right Cart?" I joke at the phone, smiling widely.

"Okay... Now that this is cooked, we transfer everything in a mixing bowl and add two-thirds of the goat cheese, salt, pepper, and mix thoroughly." Again I follow my instructions, trying to show at the phone every move I'm making.

"When everything is mixed properly we put it aside and start to roll out the dough until it's about 0.5 cm thick. Help yourself using some floor. You can put some on the counter and on the rolling pin." I sprinkle a little flour on the marble of the kitchen counter and put the dough on it, pressing it a little with my hands before using the rolling pin.

"Okay... Now that the dough is stretched out, we can take out the pie pan and with the help of a piece of paper we grease it, so the dough does not stick during the cooking. Just a drop of oil, no need to exaggerate." I look at the phone, quickly glancing at the question my followers are asking me." Uhm... If you don't like goat cheese you can use some Pecorino cheese or, if you prefer something more delicate you can go for brie. "

Just when I about to put the dough on the pie pan my intercom starts ringing, taking me by surprise.

I'm not expecting anyone.

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