Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I heard screams and agents crying in pain from every direction around me. I on the other hand, was mostly okay, besides a gash on my side from fallen ceiling tiles above us. I quickly threw the chunk of ceiling off my bruised body and brushed the dust and hair off my face. To my left was three agents, simply lying on the floor, too stunned and burned to move yet. I scanned the flaming room, trying to recognized the faces, but I and Steve Rogers were the only ones up. He met eyes with me and pointed at the flames still burning, signaling for me to put them out. I certainly didn't want refuse his orders, so I patted out the fire with my hands and feet, checking the faces of agents and friends as I made my way around the room.
"Who's hurt!?" I shouted first. No one responded yet, and instead moaned with pain and frustration. I kept scanning the room, but I didn't see the face I was looking for. "Loki?" I quietly but forcefully asked in the still air. No response. I was sure everyone in the room wanted to slit his throat for what happened. I wanted to find him before anyone else, just to  make sure no one would lay a finger on him. "LOKI!" I shout this time. I bend over and pick up an agent and point them in the direction of the exit, so they'd get out of the burning room. I squinted my eyes, and finally I spotted Loki on the floor, where the most fire was burning and where I knew the bomb had gone off. "Loki!" I shout again as I run through flames, putting them out around his unresponsive body. His face was bruised and bloody, and I could certainally tell that he was burned all over. I picked up his head and shook his body to get him to wake up, but his eyes stayed closed. 

"I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!" Someone shouts, speaking about Loki. Thinking fast, I grab him under his arms and drag him to the exit and away from the smoke and flames. Outside in the hallway, alarms go off and agents with strechers wait for injurged victims to be taken away. 

"Help him!" I order the doctors watching me drag Loki. They look at me and then look at the limp mess that was Loki. Their faces were shocked and horrified and they didn't know weather to shoot someone or to do what I ordered them. I knelt down and picked up the head half of Loki, while I waited for a doctor to get his feet. "Help. Him. Now." I said again more slowly, and without hesitation. A nurse came and helped me place him on the white streacher. His head rolled over to the side while they wheeled him away. I could feel a pain in my throat, but they was no chance I was going to cry today. 

"Alice! Where's Loki?" I suddenly turned around and saw that it was Nick Fury who had snapped at me. 

"He didn't do it." I replied back before he had asked. He gave me a glare that meant 'yes of course Loki did it I'm not stupid.' 

"Where. Is. Loki?" He asked again, talking dramatic pauses between words. I kept my poker face up until that point which then it might have looked like I was going to bust into tears. I cracked.

"He's in the infermery sir, and he didn-" But I didn't get to finish due to the fact he was racing down  the hallway, past the nurses and doctors to catch up to Loki's streacher still being rolled to a room. When Nick reached Loki, he was still blacked out so there was nothing Nick Fury could do or say to him. Thankfully. 

"Wait listen." I ordered Nick. He stopped and turned around to me, actually waiting for what I had to say this time. 

"It was not Loki. I know it wasn't him." I simply proclaimed to him. He raised his eyebrows and sighed. 

"Then who was it?" He asked in a low tone, not seeming interested in the conversation at all. 

 "Um... well... I just know it wasn't Loki. That's all-" And I was cut off again by him walking away from me. I chased close after him this time. "That all I know now but I'll find out what happened. "I quickly explained to him. I stopped walking after him and froze in the hallway while he kept moving forward. My heart dropped as I began to sort the facts in my head. It was a bomb, in Loki's jacket. Not anyone else's. Only Loki's. I needed to talk outloud to someone, so I raced down to the labs, knowing Tony or Bruce would be there by now. I busted through the white doors, and just as I thought, the two men were already there, a little charred though, from the explosion. 

"Tony, it wasn't Loki's fault about the bomb." I quickly blurted out. He grabbed an electronic tablet from the glass table and a glass of alcohol, toasting it in my direction. 

"Yeah I know. Someone planted it on him." He simply tolda to me. I was in awe that someone was on my side. I didn't know what to say for a moment. 

"Oh...okay.. but who then?" I asked waiting for an explanation.

"I'd say you, since you two had been hanging around each other so much, but for obvious reasons, it's not." Bruce commented. I shrugged, agreeing with the facts, and then thought about any other suspects other than me. 

"Retrace his steps." Tony suggested. 

"First we were at my apartment, no bombs there." I sarcastically stated. "Then we came back here after the attack" I continued. "After that, Loki was capTURED BY THANOS- IT WAS THANOS IT HAS TO BE!" I shouted realizing who it really wa. I laughed for a second, complely overcome with joy, and waved at the two scientists as I busted out the door and ran down the hallway again to talk to Nick Fury.

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