12: Said Topper

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“Sleep well?” Ethan asked me when I walked out of his room.

“I feel like I’m in the midst of a sex-over.” I said before laying my head on the counter.

“A what?”

“A hangover based off of sex instead of alcohol.” Ethan laughed.

“I’m making eggs. World famous. I only give them to the most special people.”

“I hope you aren’t already getting attached.”

Ethan gasped. “You wish.”

“I actually hope not.” I corrected. I roamed around the living room checking out the pictures above his electrically-powered fireplace. “You were so adorable.”


“You’d rather be called adorable now?”

“Point taken.” He said. “I’m really loving you in my shirt right now.”

“So, I’ve been told.” I replied. I picked up another picture. “A rubber ducky?”

“I was one year old.” I laughed softly and put the picture down. After doing more hunting around his living room, I ambled into the kitchen.

“Smells good. Looks good. But does it taste good?” I asked him.

“I am a great cook if I say so myself.”

“Whatever you say.”

“Toast or no toast?”

“Toast.” I answered. He came around setting a plate in front of me.

“Eggs and juice for the lady.”

“Oh, how spontaneous.”

“Don’t expect me to be the next Bobby Flay.”

“I would never give you standards you would never reach.” I gave him a coy smile. He only made a face which in turn made me laugh at how stupid he looked.


“Impromptu sleepover?” I wondered through the speaker of my phone.

“Yes. It’s at Reese’s apartment. Just come straight here.” Ashley hung up. I huffed and placed my phone in my bag.

“Thanks for dropping me off.” I told Ethan.

“No problem.” I waved him off and jogged up the steps. Biggest mistake of my life because I wasn’t meant to workout. I stuck the key into the hole, laughing at the innuendo I just made in my head.

“I have a thing for awkward moments, don’t I?” I announced my arrival causing random girl and Carter to spring apart. “Oh my gosh? Heather?”

“I knew this place was familiar.” I smirked between the two of them. “So, how are you?”

“Fine.” Carter looked aggravated that Heather and I decided on having a conversation while she was sitting in his lap. “I scored with Ethan.”


“I think we’re going to make great friends.” Heather laughed.

“You fucᴋ the guy and you’re just going to be friends?” I nodded. “Unbelievable.”

“Yeah, well since Carter looks sexually frustrated, I’m going to go pack a bag and I’ll be out of you two’s hair.” I walked by them, ruffling Carter’s hair as I did so.

“Fucᴋ you Bailey.”

“Nah I’m good!” I replied. I shut the door behind me and threw my bag onto the bed and settled on a shower only to discover that Mother Nature decided to surprise me. It did explain the onset of horniness in my life. “At least I’m not pregnant,” I muttered to myself.

Said RoommateWhere stories live. Discover now