Chapter 1: A new beginning

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WARNING!!: This book is a sequel. The first book is another one of my stories, Therapeutic Love.

I recommend checking that one out first if you haven't already otherwise you might be a little bit confused but whatever order you go in, comment and enjoy.

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DaKarie slammed his hand down on the blaring 7am alarm. He spent the next few minutes not rising from his bed but staring at the groves in the ceiling.

A sort of dread ran through him, like it had for..shit, he didn't know how long. It was annoying. And he knew exactly what it was.

He was over Max's shit. Max in general. His problems, his excuses, whatever they were. Now that DaKarie lost all his, he was able to see how fucking ridiculous it really was.

Max was probably one of the goofiest, lighthearted motherfuckers he'd ever met. You couldn't meet a person more trusting.

He was..he was fucking great. It was hard to live up to but it was the truth. Yet somehow, Max always managed to doubt himself. He let his worry and his anxiety dictate his life, run him through the coals every time. Every damn time.

He didn't deserve it. But at some point the man had to take responsibility.

When he thought about it, it was probably a good thing bro broke it off. He didn't deserve Kyle or JJ, neither of them did. They fucked up a million times over.

But Karie was still there, he was making it work. He believed that had to count for something.

DaKarie stumbled out of bed, scratching his stomach slightly as he walked to his door.

As usual, J was sat playing one of his nerd games while munching on toast. Bro always insisted on syrup on his breakfast, whatever it was. He dripped it everywhere on his desk and even on his keyboard.

This fucking dude-

Karie banged on his window, just barely grabbing J's attention. He gave the boy a face, clearly judging his sloppiness, rubbing tiredly at his eyes.

He ignored J's staring for several moments, even if it was amusing. DaKarie stood tall in his window, bare naked which is how he slept. The boy was lucky there was a window seal in the way otherwise he'd be getting a whole lot more.

JJ made a show of beginning to clean himself up. Karie nodded his satisfaction, making his way to the bathroom.

The kid woke up at the crack of dawn to get ready, just so he could get some gaming in before school.

Karie hadn't liked showering in the mornings though, found it more relaxing at night, cool air drifting through the window.

JJ however was the sloppiest clean freak you would ever meet. His parents had to limit his weekly showers and moderate his use of hand soaps.

Bro had some serious problems, Karie would know..

"Hey pa!" He called, running into the small kitchen with a grin. He was fully dressed, his hair looking clean and his Nikes remaining uncreased.

He had decided to have a good day. Forget about all that bullshit. He was fine as fuck, and he had men that were fine as fuck and his cousin was teaching him to lift after school. He couldn't be happier, man. He wouldn't let Max ruin his day like he ruined his hea-...shit, forgot it.

The first thing catching his eye was the tons of plates full of food, eggs, bacon, hash browns, sausages, and DaKarie's favorite; Hoe cakes.

Can you guess why?

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