Chapter 4

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Loki POV 

The girl lets out one final shriek before she collapses, writhing, onto the sopping ground. Scales start rising over her body, trying to cover her wounds. They begin to cover most of her skin as she tries for one long moment to stay awake, but it’s too much. Too much, even for her. 

For a mermaid. 

For a siren. 

This is absolutely ridiculous. Mermaids and sirens. Mermaids and sirens. Mermaids and sirens are tales for children! Told by parents trying to entertain a small child who will not stop moving except for the most interesting of entertainment. 

Yet, here she is. A siren. 

The widow and the archer celebrate with a traditional Midgardian gesture, the playful collision of two fists. Stark’s armor retreats into his ridiculous bracelet. Mr Patriot puts his shield on his back. Thor gently gathers the girl from the ground. 

He kneels down to slide one hand under her neck and another under her knees, before rising with her and following the others. Her long hair drips water onto the ground. Dark, dark hair. Dark enough that you question yourself- is it black? But it’s not. It’s a mysterious deep blue, that somehow looks clean and soft despite her living in the salt waters of Midgard. 

Her dress willows behind her in the wind as we head back to the jet, hoping to make it before too many locals see something they shouldn’t. 

As we trudge back, and even as we return to the floating island, I cannot get her voice out of my mind. Four words. Four simple, simple words. But I cannot forget them. I cannot stop replaying them in my mind. Her voice stopped my mind. All I could think of is getting closer to her. To hear her say another word. Any word she wishes. Just to hear one more word. 

As the jet departs the city, I find myself staring once more at this siren, wondering what her story is- longing to hear her say it herself. 

I shake my head, trying to dislodge these thoughts, She is a siren, Loki! This is what sirens do! They enchant you, their voice infects your mind like a disease, and one word can put you under her control! 

But that one word.

Oh how I long to hear it. 

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