Little Percy Thanksgiving Special

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Percy was excited. This was his first thanksgiving with his new family. He absolutely loved them.
He jumped off the couch smelling something cooking. He ran off to the kitchen to find Bruce, Natasha, and Steve cooking.
He walked over to Bruce and tried to see what he was doing. "Bruce? What are you doin'?"
Bruce Banner looked down to the little boy and smiled. "I'm making stuffing."
The little boy smiled and went to the next person. Who happened to be Natasha. "What are you doin'?" he asked her.
"Cooking." she replied, not sparring a glance.
"Cooking what?" Percy asked, trying to look past her elbows.
"Cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes." she replied.
Percy then jumped to Steve. "What are you making?"
Steve smiled at the little boy. "I just finished with the ham and turkey." He picked up the little boy. "Come on. Let's find Tony and Clint."
They walked into the living room to find the other two team members setting the table.
Percy squirmed out of Steve's arm and ran to Clint, taking the spoons when he wasn't looking and setting them on the table messily. Steve was behind him putting them right, while Percy was blabbing about a Tv show.
"And then it blew up. And the bad guy was under a bunch of rubble and stuff. And the good guys took him to jail. And then the bad guy said, 'I'll be back! And I will destroy you!" He said, waving the spoon in Tony's face before going back to throwing spoons on the table.
The three men just laughed and went back to setting the table.

Everything that was left was in the oven. They found out that Thor had deceided to come and participate in 'The giving of the Thanks and feast!' as he put it.
Right now, the Avengers were trying to explain to Thor what Thanksgiving was, and they didn't notice Percy walking into the kitchen.
"I'm hungry." Percy declared to himself. He wandered around before spotting the mashed potatoes. He dragged a chair over and stood on it, getting on the counter.and grabbing the spoon that wad in the bowl. He ate some and smiled. He got himself comfortable, accidentally kicking a bowl to the floor.
He looked down and saw that it was a bowl of leftovers pumpkin pie mix.
"Oh oh." He put the spoon back and got off the counter and grabbing the bowl. He set the bowl on the chair and looked at his fingers that were covered in pumpkin. He locked them and smiled. 'Yummy.' He thought, before he locked the rest of his fingers and the bowl. He knocked over a chair, and the loud bang finally caught the attention of the Avengers.

Natasha looked up hearing the bowl fall on the floor.. "What was that?" She looked around. "And where did Percy go?"

The Avengers looked around for the little boy, but didn't see him anywhere. Then they heard the chair fall to the floor.

"I think he's in the kitchen." Steve said, standing up and walking towards the kitchen. The rest of the Avengers followed.

They walked into the kitchen to see Percy sitting on the floor with the bowl of pumpkin pie filling. There was a mess on the floor, and a toppled chair behind him.

Percy looked up and smiled, his mouth rimmed with the pumpkin.

"Hello." He said before going back to licking the bowl clean.

The Avengers laughed, and Steve went to take the last turkey out of the oven.

"Well, I think we can eat now. Second turkey's done."

After the cleaned up the mess Percy made, they all sat down.They gave thanks, and started eating.

Percy took a bite of turkey and smiled.

After they finished the food, they sat on the couch watching the football game. Percy got bored and started to run around.

He ran up to  Tony smiling. "Hey Tony! You wanna play?!"

Tony, who was half asleep, jumped. "AH! Percy! You screamed in my ear!"

Percy giggled. "Sorry." He jumped up. "So you wanna play?"

Tony rubbed his ear. "I guess. We could probably play some football or something. Let's get the rest."

They gathered the team and played football the rest of the day in the park. They taught Thor how to play, and he nearly blew up a tree after throwing the ball.

"Did I win?" Thor asked confused.

Clint shook his head. "No Thor. You don't blow up tree in football."

Percy was jumping up and down in excitement. "Blow up more trees, Uncle Thor!"

After a few more trees and a bench blowing up, Thor finally got the hang of it.

And that, was how the Avengers celebrated their first Thanksgiving with Percy.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! If you don't live in the US, then Happy random Thursday! I'll try to update soon,  but I had to put this one! Happy Thanksgiving or Random Thursday!


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