Chapter 36

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"So you can't swim, hmm?"

Anabelle's and Kanes' eyes glittered with pure glee as I struggled to regain some semblance of composure as I walked. Vomit lingered in my mouth, and my chest continued to burn painfully. Clyde's entire body was shaking with barely suppressed anger as I was guided towards him by Kanes, and I shook my head in warning at my friend, silently pleading for him to say nothing, to do nothing.

But my attention painfully swayed from Clyde when a resonating slap echoed in the room. My cheek stung, and vision blurred as I listened to Anabelle demand that I answer her.

"You saw me." My voice was rough, and it hurt to speak. "You saw me in that tank. I can't swim."

"Look at her. Such a sharp mouth she has." Kanes' claws dug into the back of my neck, and seeing me wince seemed to break the restraint Clyde had over his anger. I watched as he barged forward, hands still chained, and shoved himself at Kanes, effectively surprising the lycan and making him release me. I could feel blood trailing down the back of my neck from where Kanes' claws had pierced my skin, but that was the last thing on my mind.

"No. Please." I shook my head, hot tears trailing down my cheeks as Kanes backhanded Clyde, and the man fell on his side against the floor. Anabelle's lips curled into a cruel smile as she took several steps backwards, allowing the guards of Klawmoon to slip before her. Clyde's large eyes were on my own, and I could see him mouthing for me to 'be calm'. But I couldn't be.

Especially when the guards erupted, and one by one, they each took their turns delivering blows to Clyde, drawing blood from his mouth and the skin of his temple split open when heavy boots kicked at it. I heard his nose break, and then saw bruises rapidly begin to form on his exposed arms. Clyde's grunts soon turned to choked begs. I jerked forward then, but Kanes kept me backwards, his hand fisting the back of my shirt as he looked on.

"Stop!" I shrieked desperately, watching the way Clyde began to curl his body into a fetal position, attempting to protect his already battered stomach. Those in the room had begun to look our way, but none attempted to stop the beating. This carried on for ten long minutes, and when Clyde fell silent throughout it, my worry and horror intensified.

"That's enough." Kanes called out. He released me, and thrust me forward to a guard, who swiftly bound my wrists with thick rope. The guards surrounding Clyde reluctantly shuffled backwards, but Clyde did not move. His body remained curled, and I could see his blood pooling around him. The faint rise and fall of his chest was the only thing which allowed me to know that he was still alive.

Kanes stepped forward, and with the tip of his boot, rolled Clyde onto his back. I broke down at the sight of his swollen face, the blood running from his nose and past his lips. Dark blood also trailed down his sweaty forehead, and his breathing was shallow when I pressed my head against his chest when I fell to my knees, feeling each shaky inhale of breath he took. His split lips moved, as if he was attempting to speak, but all I heard was an indecipherable groan. My chest heaved with each sob that shook my body, and it took three guards to haul me away from Clyde.

Only once had I felt so helpless as I did now, and that had been when I'd watched Kanes set fire to the remains of my mother and father. And once again, that overwhelming feeling of helplessness consumed me entirely as I was pulled away from Clyde's body.


"Where are you going?" Hannes demanded an answer when he saw me step outside of my bedroom door, fully dressed for training. I'd awoken him from his sleep early this morning as a result of my relentless shifting in the bed.

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