The Man Inside The Painting

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Have you ever had that one painting or picture in your house, where the eyes follow you? Well I know I have. These paintings are known as linear perspective. This is a trick in art, an illusion. There is a trick to stop this illusion - to look dead in one of the two eyes in the painting. After doing research about these paintings, I decided to use this trick on my painting that possessed linear perspective. I stared the painting right in the eye. I slowly shuffled across the floor, but the eyes still followed me. I thought that maybe I didn't do it right. So I did it again, only this time right to left instead of left to right. Still nothing. This aggravated me, that website lied. I looked up five more websites, and they all said the same thing.

I walked downstairs to my kitchen to grab something to eat, when I saw another one of these paintings. I decided to see if I could use the trick on another painting. It worked! The illusion stopped. I didn't know what I did differently, but it worked. I decided to run upstairs and try it on that other painting. I did it exactly how I did it before. I shuffled across the floor and looked it in the eye. I stopped halfway through. I knew it wasn't working. I wasn't frustrated, I was scared. Why was the painting changing still?

I decided to remove the painting from the wall. It was held by one nail and the frame (even though it looked very heavy) was light. The back came off in two pieces. The stand, and the cardboard. After that, was the raw fabric in which it was painted on. There was nothing suspicious about the back of the painting. Just the painter's name written in cursive. I decided to look up this artist because I had nothing better to do.

The artist went by the name of El Pintor del Color, translated to The Painter of Color. I thought It was an odd name too. Well I looked him up, to find only one search result. A website with a lot of his work on it. The one strange thing about all the paintings was they were all Linear Perspective paintings. Furthermore, they all had one brown eye, and one colored eye, in a greenish color. I looked over to my painting to see the same thing. I found this odd. Maybe it was to make it impossible to stop the illusion.

At the bottom of the website there were two names. Jose Sanchez, and Adamo Bacci, as well as a date, 07 May 1990. Two very distant names. One of them was obviously El Pintor del Color's real name, but the other name was a mystery, and the date. It was obviously the date the site was made, right?

I decided to look up this "Adamo Bacci" to see if I could find any background to this character. When I typed in his name into a google search, Google instantly corrected it to Jose Sanchez. This was weird. I tried retyping it into the search bar, but Google did it again. I just decided to look up Jose Sanchez instead.

Wikipedia apparently had a whole page on Jose Sanchez, but only one site about El Pintor del Color. The wiki page said his birth and death. He was about 40 when he died mysteriously. He was bludgeoned to death with a broken off stool leg. He was found right outside his home, still on his property. No one knows who killed Jose Sanchez, but it said that Adamo was brought into custody after being suspected of the crime. There were equal amounts of evidence that Adamo killed Sanchez, but enough to prove he was innocent.

The article also stated that an eyewitness said they saw the whole thing, and that Adamo was the killer. Two other witnesses say he was away from the crime scene. The odd thing is that all three eye witnesses say they saw him in three different locations. This was getting strange, and even deeper than the painting.

As I kept reading, I found that they found fingerprints of Adamo's on the stool and doorbell, but also found fingerprints in the two other locations in which witnesses say they saw him that night...

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