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I so didn’t want to be at this party. I mean, I had gone because Kirstie invited me, and she said it was going to be a good time.

So far she was wrong. The party wasn’t bad. There was some good music blasting throughout the house, and it looked like the food table was well equipped for my appetite, the two most important aspects of a party in my opinion. But trust me, there was absolutely nothing desirable about being at a party where the one person you knew was glued to their date.

To make matters worse, I saw Adam there. Of all people to run into at a Christmas party, it had to be my ex. Great, looks like he brought a new boyfriend too. He obviously moved on and found someone better, while I’m still single.

I’m going to need alcohol… and lots of it.

I walked to the kitchen, being careful to not get trampled by all the horny couples that couldn’t seem to wait until they made it home. There was already a young man in the kitchen fixing himself a drink when I got there.

“What are you drinking? I need anything and everything alcoholic right now.”

“Well, aren’t you in a festive mood? Sadly, whoever bought the liquor for this party has horrible taste. You’re lucky I have a bottle of chardonnay with me. You wanna share?” I nod eagerly and grab the bottle from his hands. Now that he’s turned to face me, I can see how truly beautiful he is. His dark hair hangs low on his forehead, framing his eyes and letting his perfectly groomed eyebrows shine. His eyes are twinkling as he watches me gulp down half the bottle in one shot.

“Is there a particular reason you just drank half my supply? Or do you just really need a fix?” he asked with a chuckle.

“Ugh. A little of both actually. My ex is here, and he brought his new boyfriend that’s totally drop dead gorgeous, while I’m drinking wine in the kitchen with a stranger. Don’t I lead a pathetic life?” I sighed, rubbing my temples. “No chance you’d want to pretend to be dating me so I look like less of a loser?”

“Actually, that would be great. I’m hiding from my ex too. I’m Mitch by the way.” He smiled at me, and I couldn’t focus on anything else but the dimples that decorated his cheeks.

“Hi, I’m Scott.” I extended my arm out, shaking his hand. “I think that’s a great idea. But first let’s finish this bottle of wine; I want to get to know my new boyfriend a little bit better.”

I learned that the two of us actually had a lot in common. Not only were we both wallowing in the fact that we’re extremely lonely, we were both musicians who had a love for spongebob and beyonce. I think we might just be a match made in heaven.

20 minutes and one empty wine bottle later, we waltzed into the party hand in hand. Adam and his new boyfriend spotted us immediately and waved us over.

“Hey, Scott. How’ve you been? I see you’re here with someone, who’s this?” He asked.

“Hi, Adam. This is Mitch, my date tonight.” Mitch smiled and shook his hand, looking around uneasily. I snuck my arm around his waist and pulled him closer.

“Oooh! Look who’s under the mistletoe!” I heard someone yell from behind us. Mitch looked up and laughed, wrapping his arms around my neck.

“Well, here goes nothing…”

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