Chapter 27- Getting addicted

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It's like you screaming....
And no one can hear you.....
You almost feel ashamed that
Something can be that more important to you
That without feel nothing.
I wouldn't call it an addiction....
I would call it my normality...from now on.

For this chapter, listen to bellyache by Billie eilish.

The hours of happiness had already passed....and I was my sad self again. I remembered Yosef's proposal and mum's words after she realized I like girls.

"You can't be a lesbian. You hear me?" She barked.

"I will not accept that."

"But mum. Things change, people change and feelings change."



Tears streaked my face. If I didn't have the support of my own mother, then who'd support me? I just only wished I knew my dad. He would be here for me, because he's also gay.

"Hey, come and take a shower. I heated the water for you." Lindsey's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

I wiped my tears off.

"Thanks." I smiled at her and stood up from the bed.

I walked leisurely to the bathroom, ripped the clothes off my body, and stepped into the tab. I sat there for quite a long time doing nothing, but thinking. I fucking needed that drug I took yesterday. It made me so happy. I was in another kind of world I never thought I would ever be.

But sadly, that beautiful happy world lasts for only hours. How was I going to cope? I guess I'll just have to keep taking it over and over again.


"So what are you going to do now?" Lindsey asked me while she placed a cup of coffee in-front of me.

I wasn't really paying attention to her the whole time, that I asked her to repeat what she said.

"Huh, with what?"

"You seriously haven't been listening to me the whole time." She exclaimed.

I lowered my head. It was actually aching me, from the time I woke up. I couldn't even remember what happened last night after me and Lindsey drank juice.

She walked close to me and clasped my cheeks. I gazed at her.

"Stop being like this. You're going to be so depressed."

"I am already depressed. I could die if I have to." I frowned.

"Stop saying that." She pulled me for an embrace, running her hands slowly on my back.

I sighed and immediately my phone rang.

I checked the caller and it was Mum.

"Hello." I answered.

"WHERE YOU RIGHT NOW?" She roared.

"I'm at Lindsey's."



"I SAID GET BACK HOME." She barked the more.

I was so scared. I didn't want to go home after what happened yesterday. I felt like mum could hurt me. I had to make up a plan to not go back home. I muted the call and gave Lindsey a fixed look.

"I don't want to go back home. Help me out." I said with a pitiful sigh.

She squinted around. "Tell her you don't have a ride back home and you can't walk back."

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