Chapter 19- Confess

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As Marinette and I enter the apartment my defenses against the tears finally break. Big, fat drops start rolling down my cheeks and I fall on my knees. Marinette turns around and runs up to me.

"(Yn)? What's wrong?" She asks, her eyes full of concern.

"I-I'm just a bit homesick..." I lie.

Marinette kneels down and pulls me in for a hug. "It's okay, I completely get it... do you need some fresh air? We can walk down to the park for a bit." She smiles.

I rub my eyes. "No, you have your schoolwork from this morning to make up. Fresh air does sound nice though. I'll go down to the park, but you can stay here, okay?"

Marinette opens and closes her mouth. "Alright. Call me if you need anything." She gives me a small smile and helps me to my feet. As She walks up the stairs to her room, I leave the Apartment.


I step out into the bright sun, and take a deep breath. It doesn't help, because the second wave of tears comes.

I walk over and sit on a bench and begin to cry. Thankfully the park is almost empty today...


I hear Chat Noir's voice, but when I turn around I see Adrian standing next to another girl with a red skirt and tie.

"Adrian? Oh God, this is embarrassing..." I say rubbing tears off my cheeks.

The girl puts her hand on Adrian's shoulder. "I'll give you two some space. I left my fencing gloves in the locker room anyways." She turns and walks away.

Adrian walks up and sits down next to me on the bench. "(Yn), what's wrong? Are you alright?"

"Yea, just homesick...missing my mom...that sort of thing." I once again lie.

"I understand. I miss my mom too..."

"What do you mean?"

"My mom...she..." A single tear rolls down his cheek. Adrian stops and takes a deep breath. "I've already cried about my mom with one girl this week..." he clears his throat. "What I mean to say is...someone just told me, it's okay to cry. You don't need to feel embarrassed about it. And you can always tell your mom how you feel, so don't hold back, or put it off." Adrian smiles, his green eyes sparkling under the sun.

I smile back and hug him. "Thankyou Adrian..."

"Anytime, (yn)."

Even though Adrian didn't know it...he gave me great advice for my problem.

I need to confess my feelings to Chat Noir.

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