"Get drunk and get laid"

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For once in my twenty three years of life, I was on time to something. The first thing I noticed when I walked into the restaurant was the large bar in the center of the room. My red heels clicked against the hardwood, and it would've been obnoxiously loud had it not been for the soft music playing in the background and the voices of others as they ate.

My black dress clung to my skin as I made my way to the private dining room that was reserved for Will's party. Jenna was the first to see me when I pushed open the tall glass door.

"Holy shit Luce," Jenna hugged me, "You look hot!" I pulled apart from her and smiled, looking at her outfit. She was wearing a white blouse with puffed sleeves and some red dress pants.

"You look hot too," I gave her a big smile. Jenna put her hand up in denial with a smile playing on her face.

"Now that you're here," her hand landed in mine, dragging us to one of the tables, "We can talk about you know who before he gets here." I groaned. I didn't want to talk to him. I managed to go three days of not talking to him until he showed up at my place with gift bags full of baby clothes his mom got.

As he handed me the bags Everett invited him to come in and have a chat while I took the gifts to my room.

To say the tension wasn't there between us would be a fat lie. Everytime I look at him I'm like 'We're just friends. Nothing more. Nothing less.' However, the looks he was giving sure made it not feel that way.

"Jenna," I grabbed both her hands, "Tonight is not about him ok? We can talk about this when we know he won't be present."

She huffed, "Fine, but I need to know the details asap. Now where is your hot officer?"

"He's working right now. I tried to get him to take off, but since he said he couldn't."

"Damn it," she frowned, "I wanted to meet him. Oh well more alcohol for me." I laughed until my eyes darted to the tall blond walking into the room. Oh dear lord he looks good in a suit.

Nope we're friends, brain please stop staring at him, Ok? Great focus on something else. My eyes darted away from Harrison back to Jenna, but she wasn't there. I looked around the room to find her clinged to Will's hip, whispering something in his ear that made his cheeks flush red.

I stood up, smoothing my dress out in the front and headed to the bathroom. I noticed Harrison's eyes watching me as I walked out.


I threw away the paper towel in the trash can and headed out of the bathroom. I got close to the bar when I heard someone call from behind me.

I turned back to see someone I haven't seen in years. He was wearing this plaid purple suit with a black button up underneath it, the top unbuttoned slightly to see his chest. His dark hair was slicked back.

"Oh my god," I blurted, my mouth hanging open in shock, "Grant?" The corners of his mouth lifted, his bright teeth flashing.

"Well I'll be damned," his smooth voice said, "How long has it been? three or four years?"

"Three," I confirmed, "W-what are you doing here? In seattle? Last time I checked you were in New York."

"I live there," he grabbed my arm, moving us out of the way as someone walked by, "But i'm here for work. What are you doing here?"

"I live here," I said, "Well not here at the restaurant, but here in seattle." A deep laugh emitted from the back of his throat and his eyes lowered from mine and stopped right at my stomach. Right at my bump.

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