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Location: UNKOWN
Time: ??:??

The detective's breaths are shallow, his chest heavily heaving up and down with effort as he tries to move, his body sore from being in the same position for too long.

A groan escapes his lips as he shifts uncomfortably, trying to adjust his posture to relieve some of the pressure but it's no use, he can't move a muscle, so with a sigh, he tries to relax as much as he can.

It seemed like they had no intention of letting him go anytime soon.

By now he had lost track of how many days he had been captured, barely having an interaction with anyone or anything.

The door opens and the detective winces at the loud sound of the door, shutting his eyes tight as the sound of approaching footsteps increase, but the detective doesn't even bother looking up.

Every time someone came in it was the same thing. Interrogation, punishment by lack of cooperation and the prodding of needles in an attempt to find the secret in his DNA.

Had they regularly come in or brought meals at the same time every day, the detective would've been able to calculate how long he'd been captured for, but it seemed like their purpose was to keep him as confused as possible.

Smart move.

If he couldn't focus and his senses were dulled then the chances of the detective been able to escape would be slim.

A new wave of dizziness hits the detective as his head hangs low, the boots of the guard now visible.

Unlike most days, the guard doesn't say a word. Instead he unlocks the detective's chains, the detective sighing in relief when his arms fall to his sides, finally able to take off his weight from his injured knee.

Who is this person? He wonders.

No one has bothered to stop by in a while.

This person is different. The detective realizes as he stares at the polished boots. He doesn't give the same vibe as all the other guards.

A muffled voice says something but the detective doesn't quite catch the words, his world spinning around as the mysterious person helps the detective into a sitting position, his eyes alert as he glances around the room and back at the door.

Once the detective is steadier than before, the man pulls out an object out of his pockets and presses it to the detective's lips.

"I'm sorry Namjoon-ah." The person says. "This is all I can do for you for now. Please hang on a little longer."

The detective thirstily chugs down the water, not pausing to take any breaks, feeling that if he stopped the water would disappear.

In no time, the plastic bottle is empty, the detective tilting his head back to relax.

The mysterious person gives him a nod and gently pats his shoulder, turning around to leave, but before he completely exits the room, he turns around and gives the detective a sad look, the detective's eyes slightly widening at what he thinks is a familiar face.

His mouth opens to say something but before he can do so, the door closes, leaving the detective with a million questions rushing through his mind as the stranger's footsteps fade a way, his brows furrowing together as he extends his legs in the floor.

C-could it be who I think it is?

A small update on the detective's status

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A small update on the detective's status...

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