Chapter 48: LAURA

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I felt a tear on my cheek as I saw the mother walking to her car carrying Ashley in her arms. I still can't believe that such a little, kind-hearted girl will be going through chemo very soon. I hope nothing happens to her.

Today has been a long day first Lynn then Ashley. Lynn! Her surgery would end in an hour or so. I hurried down the hall to go and wait for the doctor.


Two hours have passed since Lynn woke up. The surgery went alright. Though Lynn did cry on my shoulder for sometime because now she has only 'One and a half leg'

"So what is the problem with that?" I asked her lightly sitting on her bed and mom and dad signed through the important paperwork.

"I feel... empty," she said and I closed my eyes.

"Well no actually, you look like a pirate now. And you always thought that they were so cool... right?" I said fighting back my tears.

"Yea," Lynn said in a small voice though she wasn't crying anymore. I kissed her forehead and looked over to our parent's direction. They looked so happy, so relieved. I don't know how they will react when they would come to know about my disease. Lynn hasn't bought the topic up thankfully. I think it may be because she still is under the effect of anesthesia.

"I wanna eat something," Lynn said to me.

"Real food this time," She said nodding towards her IV.

"Okay fine let me ask mom and dad," I said laughing for the first time for real in a very long time.

"Dad, Lynn is asking for food... real food," I told Dad.

"Oh yeah can you please feed her the soup your mom has made?" Dad said rubbing his eyes.

"Of course," I said with a swift kiss on his cheek.

"Nooo!! I don't want soup." Lynn said as I bought the spoon near her mouth.

"Really Lynn? You wanted food," I said rolling my eyes at her.

"Fine I am only eating this for pure nutritional purposes," she said opening her mouth.

"Well I eat food for pure enjoyment purposes," I said feeding her the soup.

"Don't make me laugh, idiot I would choke," she said as she ate her first bite.

"Okay okay,"


We sent Lynn's blood sample a few hours back so that we can get back her results.

I am pretty sure that her cancer would be completely ejected from her body as the tumor has been removed. Now she would be all healthy and ready. She could go out with us without getting looks. She could grow back her hair. She could now walk after she gets used to the prosthetic. I am sure she would be happy to hear that she is NED. I know that the results would come negative, that she doesn't even have trace of cancer left in her body, I know.

It seems so nice that now she would be having a normal life even if I would not be in it.


The time is here. Her reports came. The nurse handed it to her with a completely straight face showing no emotion at all. Is this a good sign? I asked myself. Yes, I guess as the proverb goes No news is good news.

Mom opened the packet with trembling hands. Lynn peeking from behind us. She and dad opens her reports and scans the paper.

I hear mom gasp as I read the reports myself.

Evidence of Disease: Positive (Cancer)

No, no, no this can't be happening. There must be some kind of mistake. This can't be true. I know this can't be.

I hear mom's screams before the pain in my chest returns. This time so strong that I drop to my knees agonizing in the pain. I close my eyes and I hear no more as I just blacked out.


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