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What is this annoying feeling?

"I am such a huge fan! Like, really huge!"

It was like a needle, stabbing into his heart over and over again.

"Oh? You are? I'm happy to hear that"

Roman was getting a little more upset than he should have. Why? Because some woman was talking to his boyfriend? They were coworkers for crying out loud, Roman shouldn't be feeling like this.

"Do you maybe...wanna go get a drink or something?"

And yet here he was, silently fuming.

"Sorry, I don't think my boyfriend would like that"

But just like that, in an instant, his anger was gone.

Roman eyed the two as they conversed and saw the woman's disheartened look once Alain rejected her offer.

"Oh...I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you were in a relationship"

Roman tried to fight off that triumphant sense of superiority as he listened. He was glad that Alain didn't hesitate to reject her advances and if anything, it only further confirmed that he had no reason to worry in the first place.

"Yeah, he's the brooding man right over there"

Roman jumped when seeing the two look directly at him and he turned away from them to avoid them seeing his face begin to turn red.

"So, anyways, I hope you get home safe. See you tomorrow" Alain said and left the woman he was conversing with to make his way back over to Roman.

"Sorry about that" Alain said and the two started walking away from Alain's work office.

"It's fine" Roman said simply, hoping that Alain would just change the topic but that wasn't the case as he saw the grin on Alain's face.

" can get jealous" Alain said and Roman averted his eyes.

So that's what that annoying feeling was...

"I wasn't jealous" Roman said nonchalantly and Alain raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? So you were just glaring at my coworker because you wanted to?" He asked cheekily and Roman just kept quiet as he felt his cheeks redden.

He didn't think he was glaring...

"I wasn't glaring either" Roman said and Alain couldn't help but chuckle at Roman's aversions.

"There's no need to be jealous, you know? If you wanted me to never talk to another woman again, I would do it without hesitation" Alain said and Roman's face only turned a deeper shade of red at Alain's words.

"I would never ask you to do something like that" he said quickly.

"I know, but Roman, I don't think you understand how serious I am when I say that I'll do anything for you" Alain said as he leaned into Roman's face.

"..." Roman just kept silent as he tried to fight off the raging feelings of love and affection that were bursting from the seems of his heart.

Alain may not be aware of it, but Roman would also do anything for Alain if it meant that he'd be able to keep him happy.

"And if you don't believe me, I can-" Alain didn't get to finish his sentence as he was pulled down into a kiss by Roman.

While stunned at first, Alain quickly fell into sync with Roman's movements as he placed his hands on the older man's waist.

"You don't have to prove yourself to me...I'll always believe you" Roman muttered softly as he pulled away and Alain gave a soft smile in return.

"And I'll always believe in you"

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