chapter 3 The Room

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soon I was above the clouds the air was thick almost to the point that I was choking eventually I passed out from lack of oxygen. I woke up in a room with walls lined with something very fine to the touch and smelled like gun powder. A voice startled me as it spoke " don't try to escape child the walls are lined with polonium. unfortunately, I lost some good men trying to get the walls lined but it's worth it. " I tried to transform but it hurt like I was getting stabbed in the chest sharp and deep. the voice came back on " I told you not to try to escape child "

"I am not your child the only man who can call me that has been dead for five years now. "

" Aw poor child, Your father was a pathetic man who deserved what happened to him. "

" Shut up " 

"you're going to end up just like him, Dead "


I punched the wall and scraped off some of the skin on my hand off and it started to burn. " polonium has the potential to burn your kind in it comes in contact with anything other than your skin. I could have killed you by putting it in your food or your water, that would've killed you so much faster. But I wanted to watch you suffer as your father did." 

" I'm going to kill you, you are the real monster kidnapping, keeping me as a hostage, and putting poison in the room with me. " 

" Me a monster, I don't think so child, I was made this was by people like you. " 

" What do you mean? "

he chuckles " you will see soon enough child " then the P.A. went silent and the room went dark after a while my eyes adjusted and I could see again. what I didn't see before was a faint glow from a light source that was a little ways away. I ran my hand along what looked like a door and my hand didn't burn thankfully. I try to pull up on the door, nothing. I try to slide it both ways and still nothing. I sit on the floor and think, I can hear conversations going on outside the sounds are familiar at first I think I'm in the city but no that can't be cause I don't hear any cars. I listen more carefully to the conversations " Mrs. smith sucks and math like I could've just been taught at home and not have to worry about teachers or boys, I could've gotten so much further in life " " High school sucks Stupid SOLs. " My god I was in a high school and then I heard it " we need to find Leo after school, damned angels. Do we know who control them yet " 

" No, I hate this I should've run after him. "

I start to pound on the door to see if they can hear me, I pound till their voices start to fade, I start to scream till my head hurts and I pass out 

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