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"good morning everyone!" greeted their architecture teacher as he entered the class excitedly.

eunha's third day in school, she came extra early and spent some time in the library before going to her homeroom for attendance. she went straight to her architecture class without stopping by her locker to avoid the dreamies as much as she can.

but obviously, she cannot avoid renjun when they share the same class.

"he looks excited, i think there's some news," renjun whispered as they then greeted their teacher back.

"i have some good news today!" said the teacher, to which renjun then gave a wink to eunha, making her laugh in an instant.

"so, for the upcoming competition, i have divided you into two groups. for today's lesson, i will be briefing you about the competition then i would like you to meet up with the physics students in your team to discuss on your model." he said as his students nodded in response.

"in the first team will be daehyun from the fourth year, jisoo, eunha, renjun and sungjae. the physics students in your team will be seojin and aera from the fourth year, seolhyun, jeno and also jisung from the first year. the physics students chosen are the top students in their year so worry not, you are all in good hands. now off you go to meet your team. i'll be there soon when i'm done with the second team," he said. the five students from the first team then stood up and was dismissed from the class to meet their team at the library.

"remember what i said," whispered eunjin before renjun and eunha made their way out of the class, earning a glare from renjun who happened to hear her warning.

the two walked out the class together as their two other classmates followed behind.

"what was that with eunjin?" asked renjun in a low voice, not wanting other students to hear their conversation.

"she's been telling me to stay away from mark. but i don't know why and i don't think i have any reason to stay away from him." she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"you should stay away from eunjin instead. she's been suspicious, especially since- never mind, just stay away from her." renjun said just as they arrived at the library.

"since when? since jinhye's death?" she asked bluntly, making renjun shocked from her question.

"h-how did you know?" he stuttered as he stopped at his tracks, staring intently at eunha.

"are you surprised that i know her?" she cackled.

"i guess mark told you a lot of stuffs already, huh?" renjun asked as they continued walking to the library's first floor, heading for the architecture club's room.

"i guess you can say that," she said.

"oh noona!" greeted the youngest from the dreamies as he hopped his way to renjun.

"good morning, jisung." eunha said, returning a warm smile to jisung.

"how are you, eunha?" asked jeno who made his way to sit next to seolhyun.

"i'm well. thank you, jeno. how are you two?" she asked in return, sitting across jeno and seolhyun as renjun joined her. their other teammates left the club room for the toilet or to buy some drinks from the vending machine.

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