Chapter 6

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"So, almost getting eaten by sharks? I thought you guys were smarter than that." Branch asked crossing his arms

"Well Hickory's the one who grabbed the rubber band." Barb said

"That wouldn't have happened if you were acting like a child." Hickory said

"So! How are you?" Poppy asked Trollex

"I'm good! Kind of hungry but good!" Trollex said

"Yeah, now that you mention it, I'm hungry to." Poppy said

She looked back at Hickory, Branch, and Barb

"HEY BRANCH!!" Poppy called



"Yeah!" Branch said

"CAN I HAVE SOME?" She asked

"Yeah! And also you don't need to shout. We're in the ocean." Branch said

He handed her a sandwich in bag

"Just be careful when you eat it. It'll get soggy." Branch said

"Then why'd you bring a sandwich? OUT OF ALL THE OTHER FOODS YOU COULD'VE BROUGHT, YOU BROUGHT A SANDWICH!!" Barb shouted and crosses her arms

"I wasn't thinking when I left!" Branch said

"Yeah I don't want this." Poppy said

She handed it back to Branch

"What food do you eat Trollex?" Poppy asked

"I'm glad you asked! My favorite thing to eat here are these little cranberries! They're really good!" Trollex said and gave them each five

"They look really delicious!" Poppy smiled and ate one

Her eyes lit up

"WHOA!! THESE ARE AMAZING!!" Poppy shouted

"Yeah, it's way better those Glitterburger's back at home." Barb said

Poppy grabbed both of Barbs arms and pulled her close to her face

"Don't insult Glitterburger's like that again." Poppy threatened

She let Barb go and followed Trollex again

"Wow." Branch followed them with Hickory and Barb


"Uhh dude, I got those gloves you asked for." Someone said

"Perfect! Did anyone notice?"

"No." They said


"And yes." They said

"WHAT?!! Dude how can I trust you to do something if you get caught!" He said

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