Chapter 27: Julian Atlas

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Having her on my lap while I have a raging hard on is doing nothing but riling me up more. I physically can't do anything about it because Gem is in our room and we can't go back to the house because it still isn't safe. I need this whole thing to be over as soon as possible so that I can finally get a proper taste of my woman without any interruptions.

If this is the best I can get right now then it's good enough for me. I have to commend myself for my patience considering how fucking gorgeous Marielle is and how I've been running hotter than usual because of all the stress. I don't think Mari appreciates the achievement if I go off of the words she just uttered to me.

"The new prospects are coming in tomorrow so it's gonna be fun trying to train them... I doubt they'll be a part of the war with Fire Demons, but they can always protect the club and the women while we're out." Bear is relaxed with Lexie drifting off in his lap as he strokes through her hair. I was always jealous of him, I mean he was the only one of us with an Old Lady and I always wanted a relationship as strong as his - they have their ups and downs like any couple, obviously.

I look up at Mari who fits in with the atmosphere perfectly and I smile at the fact that I have that now. I have my woman who will be my wife and my daughter is asleep upstairs, who cares about the battle as long as I've got them?

"How many are there?" I ask, if there's more than ten we're a bit fucked since we don't have anywhere to house them. While they're prospects, they're expected to live here and go through an intense initiation, they'll be patched when they prove their loyalty to the King and his Queen.

"Three and a half." He mocks and we all give him a confused look, "One of them is fifteen, Lex found him on the streets and offered him a place. He's only little but he will need parenting on a certain level, so we have to be careful with that one. The others are 18, 19 and 26, all pulled from across the county."

"Any military?" Reign requests as he twists Saviour's hair gently, Breaker and I perk up at that. We're the only bikers bred in the military and it's always fun to have more, Breaker was SAS back in the UK and him and I are always good at sparring with each other since our styles complement each other. Granted, he wins every time but that's not the point.

"No, one of them is a street racer, two were foster kids and the other is patching over from another club." I am gonna guess that the 18- and 19-year olds are the ones that are from foster care and they're probably scrambling for options right now since they're basically dropped from care on their 18th birthday. "They'll be here in the morning, so I suggest you all meet me in the bar at around ten."

I lift Mari into my arms as we all depart to our rooms as it's been a long day and tomorrow will be just as bad. I settle her on the floor and pass her one of my shirts before nodding towards the bathroom, I look over at Gem who is happily snoozing on the little bed I bought for her. I kiss her gently and tuck the blankets tighter around her before changing into some sweatpants and crawling into the bed, sighing at the relief. Kevlar vests are fucking heavy and I'm feeling it in my shoulders and waist, sleep should fix the most of that.

Mari slips in next to me and I drift off after ten or so minutes just listening to her soft breathing.


"Daddy. Daddy." I feel myself getting shaken softly and I roll over, opening my eyes to find Gem looking up at me with big blue eyes.

"Hey baby girl, you alright?" She rubs her tummy and then points to her mouth making me chuckle. I slip out from the covers quietly, so I don't wake Mari before heading downstairs into the kitchen after slipping my gun into the waistband of my sweatpants. It's about seven in the morning so no one else should be up.

I jump in surprise when I see Saviour sat at the kitchen island fucking about on a computer. Gem wiggles in my arms to be let down and when I do as she wants, she sprints over to Sav who immediately places her on her lap. "Morning Hunter." She greets, taking a sip of her tea.

"What are you doing up so early?"

"Just feeling a little nauseous, the tea is settling my stomach."

"Are you hungry? I'm making some pancakes."

"No, I'm alright. Make sure you put in blueberries for little-un, it's the only way she'll eat them." I salute and get to work, listening as Gem babbles away to her auntie who she hasn't really spoken to in about a week with everything going on. I place a few small pancakes in front of Gem who tears them apart with her hands, eating while listening intently to Sav as she explains what she's doing on the computer.

"I'm gonna go and get dressed." I declare, momentarily breaking both women's conversation, they only nod at me before continuing. They're a lot alike so I can only assume that Saviour had a direct input in her upbringing, she is her godmother after all. If it's true, then Gem is gonna grow up into a woman who can put anyone on their ass, and I can't wait to see it.

As I get back to my room, Mari's soft snores drift across the room and I laugh softly. If she isn't awake by half eight, I'll have to wake her up but for now I leave her be as I throw on some clothes, cologne, brush my teeth and my hair before heading back downstairs.

We haven't had many prospects in the time that I've been here and if I'm honest I never really cared for it. I just don't like new people and I've found that most prospects are disrespectful and reckless. Whenever I present these issues to Bear, he always says it's because it's our responsibility to teach them differently.

He's such a father even without children.

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