Chapter seven

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They made their way across the narrow part of the cliffs, keeping close the rock walls. The rocks were unstable so they had to be extremely careful. Fox and Storm were taking up the rear, with everybody in front of them.

                “Remind you of something?” Storm asked from behind.

                “Chasing mice on fences.” Fox reminisced. “Only we were the safe ones and they were the ones risking their lives.”

                “I thought I’d never say this, but I wish I was a mouse right now. I could just zip across this with no trouble.” Storm said. Fox stopped behind Scar who had also stopped.

                “What’s wrong?” Fox asked. Scar looked behind him at Fox.

                “I think some of the rock face has crumbled.” Scar said. “Never mind, we are moving again.”

                “What was that about?” Storm asked.

                “I’m not quite sure.” Fox said. As he started to move again, he heard the rocks underneath him crack. “Don’t move.” He told Storm. The two stayed perfectly still as the rocks started to give way.

                “What are we going to do?” Storm asked in a panicky voice. Fox looked in front at Scar who was now a few metres ahead along with the rest of the group.

                “We can’t run across because there isn’t enough room and we risk bringing everyone down with us. We have to move backwards and fast.” Fox said.

                “On the count of three?” Storm asked. “One. Two. THREE.” They ran backwards just as the rocks began to crumble.

                “Keep going!” Fox yelled. The rocks continued to give way, too close to Fox’s paws for comfort.

                “We are going to have to get to solid ground!” Storm yelled above the noise. “Almost there.” Storm stopped once he got to solid ground, with Fox right behind. They stood panting for a few moments as they watched the rest of the rocks fall down the high cliff.

                “Thank god, the others got across in time.” Fox panted. “They are in good hands, they will get to the bottom of the mountain and meet up with Bonzo, then...” Fox stopped talking when he realised that Storm wasn’t with him yesterday when they went to the island.

                “Who is Bonzo?” Storm asked. Fox turned around to face him. He hated lying to his friend.

                “He is a dog.” Fox said calmly and waited for the thunder to come.

                “A DOG?!” Storm growled. “Why are we meeting with a dog?” He demanded.

                “He used to live with Gale and could give us an advantage when we have to deal with her.” Fox answered. Storm bared his teeth at the idea.

                “When did you meet this Bonzo?” He spat. Fox sighed.

                “When we went to the island.” He said quietly.

                “So you went across to the island, met a dog that could be leading us into a trap, then found out that there were humans occupying the island?” Storm asked sceptically. Fox dipped his head in shame because he knew that he was about to figure it out. Storm sighed and looked at Fox. “There never were humans on that island were there?” He asked.

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