Chapter 24 - an entrance

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All eyes in the hall followed the three figures that swept through the hall, their footsteps resounding through the silence. They bowed their heads in the guest's descend to their own royals. As the three guests had finally made their way to the thrones at the front of the hall, they rose once more. The Queen of Kou bowed her head slightly for a moment before lifting once more. As a Queen, she too had her dignity to hold, as a person of equal power, she was not to show weakness. The two behind her fell into a deep curtsy and bow. 

"Please, life your heads, dear guests."

Anastasia and Jamison promptly looked up. Before her eyes sat a blonde-haired man and a green-eyed woman- the King and Queen. The two eyed her, recognising her and taking in her change. She froze slightly, brought out of her gaze by her own Queen's words.

"We thank you for the invite, your Majesties, King Ainsworth and Queen Ainsworth."

Marilyn smiled at them, as she called out their titles. It was a seemingly harmless smile, but Anastasia and Jamison could tell that it was a formal smile. A smile that held threat and power.

The Queen sent a smile back, more subdued and weaker. Anastasia felt a jolt of pride in her Queen's steed. The King's voice resounded.

"We welcome you to our Kingdom, Queen Kou. I hope the journey was comfortable."

Memories of that day came back to her as she listened to the same, deep voice. She felt stares at the itching the back of her head, as she resisted the urge to turn, not taking her eyes of the Queen and King ahead of her. She was brought out her thoughts, by the current affair.

"I'm pleased to say that I have selected two of our finest to attend Ainsworth's Royal Academy."

"And the two behind you would be those two? Please, introduce yourselves."

Anastasia and Jamison turned their eyes to their Queen for permission, before falling into another bow and curtsy.

"I go by the name Jamison d'Nora, your Majesties. It is a pleasure."

"And I go by the name Anastasia d'Astelo, your Majesties. I thank you for inviting us into your kingdom."

She heard the whispers behind her, as people discussed her. She could hear them.

"Isn't that Antoinette Rosenburg?"

"What on Draegon... wasn't she kicked out her own House?"

She ignored the words, lifting up with the end of her words. A look of amusement passed through the two royals' eyes as they took her in.

"The pleasure is ours- welcome to our kingdom, and I hope you find our kingdom and academy most comforting."

She answered.

"But of course, your Majesty. I hope to find  my time here most enjoyable."

After ending discussions, they were ushered to the seats at the top. Their Queen took the final unoccupied throne, a beautiful black and white, like their Kingdom's colours. She and Jamison took minor seats to the left and right. Before her sat the King of the Deyrion (the demon folk) and the Queen of Emanten. Besides the Queen sat two elven boys. Both had stunning white hair- a trait of all Elven folk- pale skin and bright, green eyes. The taller of the two had hair just above his elbows, keeping it back in a plait. The shorter had his hair cut much shorter. Beside them say the Deyrion envoy- a boy with dark, tanned skin and red eyes. Anastasia eyes him, taking in his appearance. He was absolutely stunning, as all three were. His hair, too, was long, flowing out and at his waist.

They all reintroduced themselves, as formal conversation became so. Throughout their talks Anastasia felt eyes watching her every move behind her. She resisted the urge to turn around and search for the owners of said eyes and just before she attempted to stealthily turn around she was called back into the conversation. The Queen of Ainsworth had an arm resting on her throne rest as she spoke up.

"And to Miss d'Astelo, I would be sure to recognise you as one of our own, correct?"

Anastasia felt a slight irritation at her words.

'One of our own? Present tense? Pfft- no thank you.'

She knew what the Queen was attempting to insist, and she was well aware that the others did too. This time, Anastasia felt Aunt Marilyn's familiar eyes on her and gave a a slight nod back before turning back to the Ainsworth Queen with a calm, fake smile, and taking a risk.

"Why, yes, Your Majesty. I was indeed, previously, a citizen of Ainsworth, before leaving to live on in the Kou Kingdom."

She knew that her words were fighting back. She knew there was a risk of the Queen taking serious offence and using it against her and her new Kingdom- but in the moment, she felt the need to say so. She had worked hard, day and night making her new life in Kou- and she wouldn't let anyone disrespect her efforts as a noble of Kou. The Queen narrowed her eyes and Anastasia felt the amused looks of some of the other seated guests. Just before the Queen went to open her mouth once more, their conversation was cut by the Ainsworth King himself.

"Pardon me, but I do believe it is time to start the performances."

'Performances? Oh. I forgot about those-'


Almost at it o.o

7k????? It's going up so fast so quick—- thank you for your time and thank you for 250 votes!!

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