Day 6: Taking a Long Walk at a Liquid Zoo Can Be Kinda Romantic, Not Gonna Lie

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Going to sleep in one place and waking up in another often disorientates someone. That was the case for George when he woke up the following morning, finding himself in Dream's bed snuggled up to him. Confused, George poked Dream awake.

"Hey," he said drowsily when Dream made a noise and his eyes fluttered open, "when'd we get in here?"

"Hmmmm," Dream sleepily replied, closing his eyes again. "Don't know... 'Round two or something? Woke up to blow the candles out, carried you in here.. Refuse to sleep on that couch again this week..." He was already dozing off by the time he finished his sentence. (A/N: IT IS AROUND TWO, NOT ROUND TWO. THERE IS AN APOSTROPHE IN FRONT OF THE R. ALSO, DO NOT MAKE ANY SEXUAL COMMENTS ON THIS FIC.)

"You can carry me?" George asked, astounded.

"Yeah," Dream bluntly replied, voice hovering around a whisper, "you're light as hell, it was easy."

George began blushing at the mental image of Dream carrying him in any fashion. "Oh..."

Suddenly inhaling deep, Dream sat up in bed and rubbed at his eyes, carding a hand through his hand. Waking up more from the action, George stared at his friend- no, partner -, slightly confused. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not sleeping until eleven today, not when this is our last full day left until you and Sapnap head home," Dream replied, voice determined.

George gave him a bittersweet smile, Dream returning the same smile when he turned his head and looked at him.

"Now that you mention it, me neither," George said, and he sat up in bed, leaning over and meeting Dream halfway for an affectionately long kiss on the lips, George bringing a hand up and resting under Dream's chin in a romantic gesture.

When they parted, George's attention was caught something in the background, and his eyes shifted to the bedroom door over Dream's left shoulder.

And there stood Sapnap, eyes wide, mouth agape, frozen like someone hit the pause button on time, expression a colliding mixture of shock, pride, happiness, and utter embarrassment.

"Heeeeeeey, buddy," George awkwardly greeted, causing Dream to turn his body around and look towards Sapnap, beginning to laugh loudly when he noticed his friend standing in the doorway.

"Hey Sapnap!" Dream greeted cheerfully.

Sapnap blinked, and unfroze, becoming animated again.

"Okay so first off, congrats," he began, nodding. "Second off, when the fuck did you two get your shit together?!"

"Last night," Dream replied, grinning.

"Like, right after you fell asleep," George added, beginning to smile.

"And you didn't think to wake me up?!" Sapnap yelled at them, joyful, yet slightly angry. "I watched you two pine for five days straight, and neither of you thought, 'hey, we probably need to tell our best friend, let's wake him up'?! Inconsiderate bastards! I'm unfriending both of you!"

George rolled his eyes, a laugh beginning to bubble in his chest, Dream wheezing.

"Oh wow, I didn't know it was considered being inconsiderate deciding to wait until we all woke up to tell you," Dream teased in reply, wheezing again when Sapnap sputtered in response and started smiling.

"But for real though," Sapnap said, his smile growing into a grin, "congrats you guys, I'm happy for both of you."

"Thanks, Sapnap," Dream said, voice growing softer.

"Yeah, thanks," George echoed, "If it weren't for you grilling me the other day, I think we'd still be oblivious idiots."

Sapnap snorted, a smirk taking place of his grin. "Oh, so you finally admit to being an idiot?"

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