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"Y/n, do you think the stars can see us?"

"Of course they can Zuko. That's why they twinkle everynight, for people like me and you who are still awake to see them."

Y/n took a deep breath as the masseuse worked out the knots in her back. iroh suggested they spend the day at the spa to ease everyone's nerves, but y/n knew he only suggested it because today was the anniversary of Zuko's banishment. And franky, y/n didn't feel like being yelled at by him today, so she spent the morning alone.

"Your muscles were very tense." The Masseuse commented, moving back so y/n could stand up.

"Yeah well, Ive had a rough week." She said while stretching. After a ginger yawn and a bat of her eyelashes, y/n was off to the common area of the spa to meet the guys.

"Look at these beautiful shells I found!" Y/n heard Iroh exclaim from down the hall.

"We dont have room for useless things, we have to carry everything ourselves now remember?" Zuko yelled.

"Dont listen to him! Those are beautiful." Y/n gushed as she entered the room. Zuko huffed as Iroh smirked.

"You two are insufferable." Zuko mumbled.

"Greetings Brother, Uncle, Y/n." A Voice called from across the room. Y/n turned to see Azula, her head in her hand. She tossed her ponytail to the side playfully, giving almost an errie smirk.

"What are you doing here?" Zuko growled.

"Where I come from, we exchange simple greetings before talking business. Have you become uncivilized so soon Zuzu?"Azula asked, standing from her seat at the table.

"Dont call me that!" Zuko yelled as Y/n snicked behind him.

"To what do we owe this honor?" Iroh asked.

"I come with a message from home. Father has changed his mind. Owing to various rumors of treachery and subversion in the Fire Nation, he realizes his family are the only people he can trust right now. He regrets your banishment, he wants you home."

The room was silent.

"Did you hear me? You should be overjoyed, I just gave you great news" Azula scoffed. Zuko didn't reply, walking over to rest against the mantle.

"Look, im sure your brother just needs-" Iroh was interrupted my Azula's yelling.

"Dont interrupt, uncle!"

"Father rgrets? He wants me back?" Zuko mumbled.

"I can see you need time to process this. I'll come to call on you tomorrow." And Azula was gone.


"He wants me Back!" Zuko exclaimed, packing his stuff in the early moments of the night.

"That's strange, Ive never known Ozai to regret anything. Be careful, things aren't always what they seem in this family." Iroh said, putting his shells in a small bag.

"You sound Jealous, old man." Zuko replied as Iroh left the room to look for something. Looking to y/n, he realized that she was just sitting and watching, her eyes seemingly clouded.

"Y/n. Stop sitting around and pack your stuff." He scolded, while folding one if his kimonos.

"Im not going." She said softly. Zuko stopped.

"What do you mean you're not going?"

"Im not going back to the fire nation."She replied.

"That's your home, y/n!" he yelled.

"Stop yelling at me! That's your home! Not mine! I dont belong there!" She exclaimed getting up from her seat.

"Where did you grow up then?! You are as much a part of the fire nation as I am! We're family." Zuko approached her, his brows furrowed.

"Family?? Do you think Ozai adopted me because he pitied me?? They wanted me a weapon! They saw a strong little orphan and seized their opportunity! What do you think all my training was for??" She yelled, getting up in his face.

"You're lying."

"Lying? Ozai doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself! Do you think he just let me waltz away from the fire nation?? I fought and struggled and escaped! Dont you think its strange that he didn't regret your banishment until he was in danger of being overthrown?? He didn't even apologize for all the messed up stuff hes done to you! HE DOESNT CARE ZUKO, NOT ABOUT ME, NOT ABOUT IROH, AND NOT ABOUT YOU!"

Zuko stood still, a glare etched clear on his face.

"How childish can you be?" He growled.


"You're so desperate to live out this- this childhood fantasy that doesn't exist anymore! We are not children Y/n! You are 17 years old, Act like it!' He yelled.

"You are so.... delusional!" Y/n exclaimed, grabbing her katana sheath and leaving the room. Almost bumping into Iroh on the way out, she stomped away. And she didn't return that night.


The next morning, Y/n took the slow walk with her companions to Azula's ship. There were guards on either sides of the walkway, holding swords in the air as they would royalty. At the very edge of the entry ramp, the three stopped to say their goodbyes.

"Goodbye unle Iroh. May age and life treat you well." y/n stated, a sad solem smile on her face. She hugged the old man tightly, whishing they didn't have to go. When she pulled back, Zuko wouldn't look at her.

"Goodbye Zuko, I kept my promise, I just want you to know that." She mumbled. Zuko turned away, making his way up the entry ramp, and Iroh followed. Y/n sighed and turned, going the opposite direction.

"Im so glad you decided to come!' Azula boomed from the top of the ship.

"Are we ready to depart?" One of the soliders asked.

"Yes captain, set our course for home!" She exclaimed.

"alright you heard her! We're taking the prisoners home!" The captain shouted.

Y/n spun around instantly. Prisoners?

She was light and quick on her feet when she rushed into battle, a katana in each of her hands. She moved with the precision of a trained dancer as she weaved through the growed of Fire Nation Soliders.

"You lied to me!" Zuko yelled out.

"Oh like I haven't done that before." She replied in amusement. Y/n slid glances to the two as they fought. The moment Zuko was thrown down the ramp and Azula raised a lightning filled fist at him, y/n decided to step in.

Running up the entry ramp at the last moment, y/n grabbed her wrist and directed Azula's lighting strike to a nearby mountain. After flipping her body overboard the ship, she ran back down the ramp, following Zuko and Iroh away from the vestle.

Y/n stood by silently as Zuko and Iroh cut their top knots by a creek, placing them in the water and watching them float away.

"A Girl From Ba Sing Se"| Zuko x reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now