we found a way

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hey guys. i hope your enjoying the story so far. i feel like the plot is solid, which is good. thank you all for the support and the comments and such. i love seeing everyone's thoughts and responses, it makes my day, truly!

It had been a day since Minnie left, since she fell.

Shuhua's mind hadn't been able to sleep, it was racking with the possibility that what they discussed the night before, as well as what Minnie said before she fell, could actually be true; that there could actually be a portal that connected the two realms together.

Yuqi was too solemn to catch on, so Shuhua figured that she would have to talk to someone else about this, and she knew just the perfect person for the job.

Shuhua stood outside of an office, the bold neon green text of "Cho -+- Archangel rank 1" striking her face.

"That font is so obnoxious. She could have at least picked a darker color." Shuhua grimaced, before knocking on the office door.

"What do you----oh, hey Shu." Miyeon switched her mood, among seeing who it was.

"Are you just gonna stand there? Or are you coming in?" Miyeon asked Shuhua, who laughed, following Miyeon into her office, shutting the door and closing the blinds.

Miyeon sat at her desk, while Shuhua took the comfortable chair on the opposite side of her, reaching for her notepad and a pen.

"So what's up? Am I being interviewed for something?" Miyeon asked, a small laugh releasing itself from her lips.

She would rather laugh her way through the pain; Minnie's absence had taken quite the toll on her. Shuhua could see it too, the girl looked like she hadn't slept at all since it happened.

"You wish. Anyways, I'm just here to ask you a few questions that could possibly be an big indicator in my research." Shuhua explained, and Miyeon nodded.

"Alright, cool. Fire away." Miyeon smirked, and Shuhua rolled her eyes, fixing her circular rimmed glasses, before clearing her throat.

"As the highest ranking archangel, there has to be some creative freedom that comes with it, correct?" Shuhua asked, and Miyeon nodded.

"The officials are pretty relaxed with me, that is true." Miyeon added, and Shuhua nodded, writing down some things in her notepad.

"Do they tell you certain things that other ranks wouldn't know?" Shuhua asked again, while Miyeon squinted her eyes, not sure what the other girl was getting at.

"Yes, they do." Miyeon answered her, hesitantly, while Shuhua's hand started moving swiftly, writing down important facts and vantage points for her "portal plan".

"Lastly, how well do you know your way around this building?" Shuhua interrogated, and Miyeon scoffed.

"Please, I know most of this building like the back of my hand. I didn't study my ass off for nothing. Of course, there are parts of the building that are strictly prohibited, but overall I know it very well." Miyeon retorted, flexing her rank, as Shuhua smirked, she had found a way in.

"Does a marble hallway count?" Shuhua asked Miyeon, who nodded, but stopped once she saw the smirk on the younger's face.

"Thank you unnie!" Shuhua exclaimed, running over to give Miyeon a large hug.

Miyeon was so confused, Shuhua always refused affection, but now she was initiating it? Something was wrong here.

"What the Heaven are you up to?" Miyeon asked, but Shuhua flew out of the door before she could get an answer.

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