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"in the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength" Iroh recited, looking to his nephew with worry.

"I've been thinking about what you said, about finding my way in life. and I think I need to travel on my own" He said, looking down at his hands. The night was dark, and the moon exceptionally bright. Iroh looked at him with a look of understanding, and only nodded.

Zuko looked to y/n, who was seated on the ground, her back up against the wall of the cave the three were currently inhabiting.

"Please stay safe." is all she said. She was softly shining one of her twin blades, not able to look at him.

"Please stay safe." Little Zuko voiced in concern as y/n wrapped her burned wrist in bandages.

"I'm always safe." She replied, not looking up.

"Well obviously you're not if you're getting burned."

"Dont worry Zuko, I'm tough. I'll never crack." Y/n exclaimed, a bright smile on her face.

She didn't want him to see her cry over something that obviously was not that important.

"Im always safe." He mumbled, staring at her for a moment longer, then taking his leave.


Y/n took a deep breath, her walking pace in step with Iroh.

"You miss him dont you?" Iroh asked out of the blue. Y/n sighed. Ever since Zuko left two nights ago, all y/n could think about was how much she missed him.

"I've been missing him for years." She replied.

"Dont worry yourself, y/n, I promise things will turn out fine."

Y/n didn't reply, the soft sound of her traditional sandals hitting the dirt path filled the air as they continued their walk.

Suddenly Iroh was thrown on his behind by the movement of rock. While helping him up, Y/n noticed the presence of a young girl.

"Im sorry, I thought you were someone else." The girl stated.

"No worries, you look troubled, could I offer you some tea?" Iroh asked, presenting the girl with a calm smile to ease her nerves.


"You are quite similar to my nephew actually" Iroh replied.

Y/n sat next to him and across from the girl, quietly sipping her cup of tea. She turned to peer at the girl, her eyes were a clouded misty grey, she was blind.

"Where is this nephew of yours anyway? Is he lost?" She asked.

"A little. His life has changed, and hes just trying to...adjust." Y/n chimed in.

"He's hurting, but I love him." She stated. Iroh chuckled and took a sip of his tea.

"Dont resist help from those who care about you, you will really appreciate it in the end" Iroh advised. The girl seemingly had a revelation at his words. Standing up, she gave Iroh and y/n a bright smile.

"Thank you, I have to go. But tell your nephew that he's very luck to have you two!" She yelled before running down the path.

" What a charming little girl." Iroh took a sip of his tea."She reminds me of you, y/n"

Y/n let out a little laugh before gingerly sipping her tea.


Y/n stood with her arm outstretched towards Azula, who was backed against the corner of a collasped building. Beside her was the avatar, the two water tribe children from before, Zuko, Iroh, and the little blind girl who had their arms outstretched out in a similar fashion, ready to strike Azula down.

Azula looked around her surroundings, there was nowhere for her to run this time. Slowly she raised her hands in surrender. Y/n visibly relaxed at her surrender, but it was short lived as Azula shot a string of lighting at Iroh. He doubled over in anguish .

The benders of the group wasted no time in firing at Azula. The lighting, Air, fire, Water, and earth combined created a large explosiong that was followed by a large cloud of dust. And when the dust cleared, Azula was gone.

Zuko and y/n rushed to Iroh's side as the kids crowed around him.

"Get away from him!" Zuko yelled. The avatar, water tribe children, and the blind girl stood back hesitantly, then finally fled the scene.

"A Girl From Ba Sing Se"| Zuko x reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now