Chapter sixty seven

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As soon as Lucia got into the hospital, she demanded that both of her children to be checked immediately, and that she would know everything that was wrong with them.

"Have you figured out if anything's wrong with my baby?" Lucia asked,  after an hour of the doctor looking over her and doing a few tests.

"Have you been eating well the past few days?" The doctor asked.

"No, not really" Lucia sighed.

"Well, if you don't start, bad things have a chance of happening to your baby" the doctor informed her.

"Well it wasn't my fault-"

"How?" The doctor asked, "by the looks of your injuries, you were you taken hostage, beaten, and starved."

"Because I was.." she whispered.

"Anyways," the doctor said, "if you don't begin to eat better, your child could very well have a low birth weight, or be born with mental retardation. Other disorders include respiratory, intestinal, or neurological problems."

Though Lucia was already sitting down, she felt the need to sit harder.

"Could my injuries hurt my child in any way?" She asked in worry.

"Well, certain injuries or your health could make the baby experience fetal demise, a term used for stillbirth to describe the death of a baby in the uterus."

"My baby could die?!" She asked, tearing up, "i-i've already lost too many! I can't loose another one again!"

"Calm down please, don't worry, dear, most of this is unlikely to happen, so let's just not stress and hope for the best to happen. Stress could be very bad for your child. And from the scans we took, your baby is looking healthy and normal. As long as you get back on track with health, the baby should turn out perfectly fine."

"Thank you for the reassurance" Lucia smiled.

The doctor smiled back, "you're welcome. Now, how about we focus on your injuries instead of the baby's health for just a moment, because you...have a lot wrong with you" the doctor explained.


The doctors finished examining Virgil, and after writing down all of the injuries he had, one of the doctors told the nurse to bring the clipboard to room 169 where Lucia was.

"Well, mister storm, it appears that you may be experiencing post traumatic stress disorder, or ptsd. Would this be the first time your father has done something like this to you?"

"..No" he whispered, shaking from social anxiety. 'An adult is talking to you and nobody you know is with you..don't freak out don't freak out don't freak out- i'm freaking out' He thought to himself.

"Well i'd recommend seeing a therapist, but by the looks of your files, you already see one. Have you ever talked to your therapist about any of this?" The doctor asked.

Virgil shook his head no.

"Well, maybe if you talked to her about it, and she gave you advice, it would help. You have other symptoms of disorders that deal with stress, anxiety, and trauma so let's get into that while we also address your injuries."

A/n: alright, so, I have no idea if any of that was true, I am no doctor, I'm just a middle schooler with the power of google on my side, so maybe google failed me, maybe not.

This chapter is short.

I think we need to get into the drama with the next one.

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