You check in on Riz!!!

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Request for Hannahanna21 hardywoman99 AmberBatterton

You are back home at your house with Angel and you are going to check in on Riz before you go to work, his old lady is out of town visiting her family in new York City for the next week. As you let Angel know you will check in on Riz before heading to the hospital for your four hour shift today as he is playing a video game with Ez in the Living-room as Savannah moved back to charming to be with Happy, your parents are planning to move back to charming soon too they can't live there life's yet because they worry about Savannah all the time, they are leaving you and their first grandchildren for Savannah and you are pissed off.

Your family is now the Mayans and Reyes as Ez come clean to Coco about his Feelings towards Letty and Coco is fine with it he knows Ez knows the rules, to date Letty and he is down for it, she sees him for himself. As you walk over and kisses Angel's lips before heading to Riz's house,

Angel gets up and walks out of the house, "I love you and our babies, be careful today I'll send Ez down to follow you home I'm four hours" as you look at him "is that why gilly is out there waiting for me Angel? As he nods his head "yeah got to b...

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Angel gets up and walks out of the house, "I love you and our babies, be careful today I'll send Ez down to follow you home I'm four hours" as you look at him "is that why gilly is out there waiting for me Angel? As he nods his head "yeah got to be on high alert for a couple days and you being pregnant with our two babies so gilly will take you to the hospital today as Ez will get you home, tomorrow I'll take you and come and pick you up it's just best this way for a couple days" as you nod your head and head to your car, yelling at Gilly to come on we are going to check on then we will head to the hospital you will get him a coffee on your way there" as he nods his head and you two head to Riz's house to let you check on him as Gilly pulls in behind you and you two go to Riz's front door and you knock as he comes and opens it as you smile at him and say "I came by to check in on you after the what happen and I know Lola is gone visiting her family in New York City and she asked me to check in on your before I went to work, is your shoulder feeling better Riz? As he nods his head "yeah I'm alright my shoulder is still sore but I'm getting back one day at time" as you smile at him "can I check it out before I go to work? As he smiles at you "yeah come inside" as you and Gilly walk in and you put your on your gloves and he removes his shirt as you remove the band-aid and check it his bullet hole in the front then you put Band-aid back on then you check the back as you smile at him "your good Riz" as he nods his head and you and Gilly head out so you can get to work as you kiss Riz's forehead lightly and you two go head to the hospital.

You arrive and you give gilly some money to stop and get him some coffee as he smiles at you as you head inside the hospital as he calls Angel and let's him know you are in the hospital safe and sound, he is going to get some coffee then head to the clubhouse in four hours ez is up, as Angel laughs and thanks gilly for that this morning as they hang up and he looks at Ez "little brother you need to be there in four hours" as Ez smiles And you start your shift today as Emily come in with Cristobal for his check up from his flu, as you look up and see her with Cristobal as you take her back and start his check up for the doctor to come in as she smiles at you "how is the pregnancy Shasta? As you smile at her "it's going good both Jaxon and Marisol are growing and healthy on my last check up" as she says "Angel is lucky to have you and you two are having twins" as you smile at her "nah I'm the lucky one he is amazing man and he is going to be amazing daddy to Jaxon and Marisol" as she smiles and Cristobal says "uncle Angel is a badass" as you giggle at him "yep he is Cristobal" as Emily laughs and the doctor comes in as you rub Cristobal head when you leave the room and work on some paperwork, they get a good bill of health and leave as you wave at Cristobal as they leave as you finish up your paperwork and you have a couple clients and four hours later Ez walks in and let's you know he is there as you wave at him and finish up before you leave and head to the house, you are going to make some Taco's and that's EZ's payment plus he is staying with you and Angel in the guest room the one which isn't the twins nursery yes the house is three bedroom two bath.

As you giggle at him as you get in your car and you head home and ez is right behind you as you stop by the store and get the stuff for taco's as Angel is in the backyard setting up the pool for the summer, plus the fire pit, the grilled. As you get your stuff and head home as you get there and ez grabs your bags and heads into the house with you behind him as Angel comes in from the outside "hi babygirl how was your shift today? As you smile at him "it was good nothing hard just alot of paperwork, tomorrow I'll be there for 5 hours because we got to do a stress test on one of our clients so when you come to get me, wait another hour to head that way because I'm the head nurse and have to be there" as he nods his head "no problem babygirl go get changed I'll started the tacos and Ez can finish up the fire pit as you nod your head and go into your guys room to changed out of your work clothes and into something more comfortable,

 As you get your stuff and head home as you get there and ez grabs your bags and heads into the house with you behind him as Angel comes in from the outside "hi babygirl how was your shift today? As you smile at him "it was good nothing hard just ...

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As you come out after changing as you walk in the kitchen and help Angel cook dinner as Angel leans over and kisses your forehead lightly as Ez comes in and let's angel know the fire pit is up with the pool and grilled.

To be continued in a few days!!!

Mayans MC Angel Reyes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now