Hope Mikaelson (Part two)

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     You walked by different hotel rooms with Alaric by your side in hopes to find the lost Kirby kid

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     You walked by different hotel rooms with Alaric by your side in hopes to find the lost Kirby kid. Your senses were heightened as you followed the boy's scent and your gums aching to let your fangs out so you can get a bite of the boy when you find him. It wasn't that you were upset with him, you were just "hunting" and that usually gets the hound rowdy.

     "He's in here." Y/n and Alaric stopped in front of a white wooden door with the room number stamped on it. You can hear the pool's filter behind you and quiet footsteps walking around, but that's not what made you feel uncomfortable. No, it was the sound of Hope's quiet giggles from the other side of that door.

     Your jaw tenses as Alaric pulls out his crossbow. You were too tense to tell him that it was just the boy and Hope. That there was no real danger waiting for us in there. That he should be more worried about the person standing next to him that's about to take a chunk out of the boy's neck when she sees him.

     Alaric nods at you and you forcefully kick the door open. The door flys off it's hinges and Hope quickly pull away from the heated kiss and stands in a defensive stance with the Kirby kid hiding behind her.

     Your eyes burns bright red as your hound urges and screams to be let free. By now your k-9's have extended and your claws have now resided in the palms of your hands. Alaric lowers his crossbow as Hope stares at you while you angrily stare at Landon.

     "Hope? What are you doing here?" Hope glances at the older man but looks back at you. Carefully watching for any signs that you might attack.

     "I told you I was going to find him." Landon looks up and holds your gaze which angers your hound even more. You felt threatened. You felt challenged. You stood up straight and your fiery blood like eyes stares piercingly into his brown ones. A low menacing grow escapes your throat and you felt yourself slowly getting pulled into the darkness of your mind.

     Luckily for the boy, Hope quickly stands in front of him, blocking the eye contact that you both held. Hope meets the hound's eyes and challenges it. Y/n felt herself slowly get put back in the driver seat as the hound retreats back into the depths of your mind. Waiting for another opportunity to get to the boy that seemed to cross into the hound's territory.

     Maybe the hound knew the power that resides in Hope. Or maybe it still had a soft spot for the ex. Whatever it was, the hound wanted nothing to do with her. Alaric realizes what's going on and shoo's you out of the room. Leaving the three of them to talk alone.

 Leaving the three of them to talk alone

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