A reset - 37

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Stepping out of my hot shower, I've only just noticed how long my hair is getting, I had cut it to my shoulders last year before international's but now it's to my waist. My natural colour is also coming back now and it looks very awkward brown hair halfway down my back with blond on my waist. It looks like a bad ombré job. I've always bleached my hair to make it look blonde, because I've always hated my natural hair colour, it's so boring. But after doing it for so many years my hair is very damaged, so I guess growing it out isn't that bad.

I dry off and get changed into some leggings and a sports bra. I continue to stare at myself in the mirror, i just hate the way it looks.

I go into the kitchen and grab some scissors then quickly walk back to the bathroom. I brush my damp hair and I begin to cut the blonde ends off. I've never cut my own hair before and trust me this is not a mental breakdown, I just didn't like it. I begin to thin the ends out and then I was finished. All the blonde hair that was originally on my head is now on the floor.

I smile as I look in the mirror, it doesn't look half bad. I walk out of the bathroom and return with a broom and sweep up the hair. Then I crouch down to the black cupboard below the sink, and rummage through the cupboard until I find a tanning mitt and self tan. This is going to be fun.

I guess it was a spur of the moment decision to tan and cut my hair but I think I look okay. It's been about a day since I did it and my parents haven't said anything bad, so I think they like it or just don't care.

It's a reset.


Walking into the studio feels weird, I haven't been here in ages but I needed to come back, not to A Troop but to B Troop. I walk up the stairs and around the corner, i guess I'm a bit nervous to ask Riley if I can join because I keep cracking my knuckles, biting my nails and pulling down my bike shorts.

I walk around the corner and see Studio A, i just need to walk in and see Riley and walk out. I can do this.

I walk into the studio and see everyone standing around and talking to Riley. Everyone. My eyes widen as everyone turns to look at me and they match my reaction. Wide eyed, mouthed parted; except I think they are reacting like that because I look a little different. I'm like that because I can see them all, and I miss them so much. I clear my throat before speaking up. "Riley can I see you? In your office?"

"Uh, yep." She smiles, "just go sit down, I'll be there in a minute."

I nod and walk into the office and sit down, the image of everyone staring at me, burnt into the back of my eyes. But one person stood out in that image. Noah. He was staring at a me, wide eyed, eyes dialated, his soft lips slightly parted. I remember years ago, before I started dyeing my hair, Noah had said he always loved my natural hair and he was so disappointed when I started bleaching it.

I lean back in the chair and close my eyes, trying to get Noah out of my head when I hear someone walk into the office.  I quickly sit up and see Riley, I stand up and hug her, I missed her a lot. I smile into the crook of her neck until we finally release each other.

"So, you wanted to see me? Do you want to join A-" she starts but I cut her off.

"B... B Troop." I say while looking to my feet and walking back to my chair.

"El? What do you mean B Troop?" She asks while sitting down. "Your one of our best dancers."

"We always seem to have this conversation, Ri." I say while looking back up, "and I'm sorry but I'm getting over it."

"I'm only saying facts Ellie." Riley frowns.

"I can't even land my Ariel anymore.... thats suppose to be easy." I argue, "please I just want to be in B-Troop. Besides you already have a full team..."

"Um... excuse me, Riley?" A familiar voice comes from the door and it causes me to roll my eyes.

"Yes Amanda?" Riley asks.

"I actually have made the decision that if Ellie wants the position, she can have it. She deserves it more than me."

I look over to her and she looks sincere, but I don't know if I'm ready for it, oh, but I miss the team so much, but Noah, but the team, but Noah, but THE TEAM!

I finish my mini argument in my head and stand up and walk over to the girl. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because you deserve it Elizabe- Ellie." She says.

A curious look crosses my face, I haven't been called Elizabeth in years. My Nana use to call me Elizabeth and ever since she passed, people call me Ellie.

"Why else?" I frown.

"It might be because somewhere deep down, I feel horrible for stealing your boyfriend....."

"Fine..." I whisper while turning my back on the girl who is with my Ex Boyfriend and walking back to Riley. I place my hands on the desk and lean in. "I'll come back to A-Troop."

"Thank you El and Amanda. El you can go out to the troop and Amanda I'll have a talk to you."

I guess it's now or never....

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