Chapter 30: Sakura

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5:56 PM, WED

Shiro's POV

The rest of the holiday and New year's eve seems to passed by quickly, which I spent mostly with the family. It was a good idea to turn off my notifications about work, though. Less disturbance.

Well, Ever since the night I spent with Ukyo, we became closer than we used to be. I can't really put it in words how, but I've been more open to him. I haven't told Ema though that Ukyo already knows about Sei, but I'll sure find some time to tell her. And for Masaomi and Hikaru, well, me and Masaomi are just acting just like the usual but with a hint of awkwardness lingering around us once again, and as for Hikaru, he left for America the moment we came back, he said there was something urgent about his job so we haven't actually talked ever since. But Ukyo said he'll be back by in a few days.

And since Vacation is over, It's time to go back to work again. It's been four days now since I came back for work. Luckily, there wasn't a lot of major complex events that happened while I was away. Though they barely hold on. I feel bad for the ones who have to work on holidays. I remember seeing them so happy when they saw me enter the office. Haha, they were so amusing.

Anyway, I'm still currently in my office getting ready to wrap things up before heading to the Forensic lab. I left my intern there this morning with one of the medical examiners and I haven't been back since then. I bet he's already pressured.

"Good work for today Everyone!" Chief said as he closed the door to his office.

We all nodded and wave goodbye to him. Sam and Gio then appeared by my side as I zipped my backpack close. They both have their usual simple smile as they slung the strap of their bag over their shoulder.

"Hey, Are you staying late today again?" Sam asked as she leaned on my desk.

"Depends. I need to go back to the lab and check on my intern..." I told her as I closed the drawer of desk and the lamp.

"Then we're coming with you..." Gio casually stated making me quirk an eyebrow at them.

"huh? why?"

I asked confused, since I can't see any reason why they have to come with me.  Gio may have one, but Sam? Well this is new. We are currently at the fourth floor while the Forensic lab is in the sixth floor. It just made their way down longer.

"Cause were going out for drinks if you don't have any more works! And we're going to make sure, that you won't lie to us!" Sam cheekily answered as she grinned at me.

I playfully scoff and shook my head. This woman and her drinks.

"You agreed to this?"

I asked Gio who sighed with a blank face as he pressed the button on the elevator after we piled in.

"She won't stop bugging me..." He frustratingly answered and I chuckled.


The two turned their heads towards me as they also heard my phone vibrate. I casually searched for my phone in my blazer, that was draped over my arm, My hands going through each pockets until I felt it vibrate again and it was in my jean's front pocket. I pulled it out and unlocked the screen, and it popped out a message from Ema.

From: Ema-chan

          Nee-chan, We are doing a picnic at the park as a dinner! Just come by if your not busy! :)

I confusedly stared at the message before typing a reply, as we felt the elevator stop at a certain floor and the doors opened revealing a man who quietly entered the elevator and stood with us.

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