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Arlo was sitting on the ground, eating an orange when someone dressed in a cloak stepped in front of him.

"Are you Arlo? The one that took General Ladron's life?"

"Yeah... why?"

"I have been sent by the commander for the archery branch to bring you somewhere."

"Okay." he stood up and held out his hand to shake his.

The cloaked man didn't shake his hand.

"This way." he began walking away from him.

Arlo followed, not sure whether to trust this figure, but he decided to follow and just keep his guard up.

He led him to a large building, almost like a church.

"This way." he gestured towards the building.

Arlo nodded and walked through.

Inside was Kain, the person he had met earlier named Eunice, and three others.

They were all standing in front of their seats around a large, long table.

"Uh... hi?" he said.

"Hey, Arlo," Kain spoke. "We should introduce you to everybody. So, as you know, this is Eunice, commander of the archers." she smiled and waved her hand. Kain gestured towards the others in the room.

"This is Hound, Commander of the Axes."

"Pleased to meet you." he said as he stroked his beard.

"Alice, commander of the Pegasus Knights."

"Oh! Hello."

She had an eyepatch covering her left eye, and she chewed on her thumbnail as she watched him.

She twitched with a look of surprise.

"And Gale, well, he's like the big guy here. He takes charge in everything. The general, if you will."

"Pleased to meet you, Arlo."

"We brought you here because we must speak of some serious matters."

Arlo gulped.

Did I do something wrong?

Almost as if he had been reading his mind, Gale spoke just as he made the thought.

"No, you're not in the wrong, we just have an inquiry."

"Okay..." Arlo calmed down.

Gale sat down in his seat, and the rest did as well.

"So, we received information that you had a blue aura surround you with a symbol above your head when you killed the Blood Knight Ladron, correct?"

"Well... I'm not entirely sure. All I remember is my body moved on its own."

"Hmm... Did you see the aura or the symbol above yourself?"

"No..." he frowned.


"It was the symbol of Acordius. "

"Acordius...? As in the Acordius? the god of... Czarina?"


"I... uh..."

"The last time that symbol appeared, it happened when the king of Zealorus was chosen."

Arlo was stunned.

Alice spoke.

"Ah, General Gale! I would like to point out a detail."

"You may."

She set her attention back to Arlo.

"Yes... what would be that mark on your hand?"

"Oh... it's a birthmark. I've had this since I was young."

"Please, raise your hand so we may see."

Was this what she was so troubled about?

He lifted his hand, showing them the back side of his right hand.

The mark had always been strange, especially noting the fact that he and Claire had the same marks on their hands. People had always said it was a coincidence.

Hound gasped at the sight.

"Sir! Is that...?"

Everyone's face showed surprise and shock.

"It is."

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