Water Passage

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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

These creatures could swim against the currents which was amazing. They also seemed to be able to listen in on our locations before taking shortcut over all sorts of tunnels and slides. It was able to swim up hills that had deep slopes. There were even water roads on the roof too which amazed me. Luffy was pointing all around me, yelling out his excitement a lot. They took us to the market and it was very lively.

"What's that?" Luffy asked the lady at one of the floating stalls.

"Mizu Mizu Meat. Yagara Bulls love to eat them" The lady replied

"I'll take ten!" Luffy exclaimed

"And I will have ten too"

I paid for both Luffy and I before handing Luffy his portion before leaning foward to the face of the Bull so he could take one of the meat too. Luffy pouted and brought me back into his arms saying I didn't need to share but I told him I wanted to. The bull stuck it's tongue out at Luffy in retaliation while I passed two of the meat chunks to Usopp since Luffy didn't want to share. Usopp thanked me before digging in. I even handed two to Nami since she was having the munchies without her asking. I didn't question it since she was on that special time.

"Oi (M/N) don't share! Only share with me!" Luffy pouted

In response, I laughed and ruffled his hair before turning slightly to face him and pass him one. Turning around, I noticed another person wearing a strange mask. There were a lot of them. Nami and I didn't pay any mind to it. Quickly, our Yagara Bulls entered the aquatic elevator since there was only one minute left before it closed. This would lead us to the Shipyard. It was amazing how everything was run on water here. I didn't notice but Luffy had his arms wrapped around me from the sheer excitement.


Zoro P.O.V

I was trying to get some shut eye but a certain Ero Cook came out to ask me where Robin. I told him that she had left with Chopper to explore. He proclaimed how it sucks being alone with me on the ship. I noticed he seemed to be looking down at (M/N)'s ship before sighing when he was gone too. Of course, Ero Cook would try and be discreet looking for (M/N). His feelings were so obvious. I felt like poking fun at him until I realised I was in the same predicament. I realised (M/N) left his sword behind. Jumping down to his ship, I went inside his room to pick it up and unsheath it.

"Oi Stupid Marimo! What are you doing in (M/N)'s room? Wait why do you have his sword?"

"I'm just seeing it." I stated

There was nothing special to his blade. It really was just a dull sword which meant he really did have impressive swordsman skills. Turning over to Pervy Cook, I demanded to know why he never used a sharper sword only for him to shrug and say he wasn't into hurting people. Was there a time where he wielded a sharp sword? I've killed people sure but has he? Sighing, I sheathed the blade and left frustrated back up to the Going Merry. I wanted to find him and get answers but I couldn't since I had to watch the ship while Pervy Cook left to buy some groceries. I let my eyes rest with my mind wandering to (M/N) afterwards.

"Damn it"

[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

The Yagara Bulls arrived and everyone stepped out before noticing the commotion. I went over and immediately a pigeon flew over to me. It was so cute so I gave him plenty of berries that I would carefully give him one once it was done eating the previous one. It rested on my shoulders as Luffy and I passed through the cloud. Turns out, some pirates hadn't paid for their ship repairs but they were taken care of by the best carpenters. The pigeon was nuzzling into my leg and I laughed a little since I was slightly ticklish.

"Something tells me you're an intellectual bird. You're owner must be so lucky to have you. Here have some more if you'd like. Sadly, you're going to have to fly back to your owner, I need to turn in my things for money"

The bird took off happily back to the owner. He had long black hair and a slight goatee. His piercing black eyes had me taken aback. If I thought Law's was even sharp then his was one of the finest blades one could find. I took off with the rest to head to the central district where we entered a pawn shop to trade in our items. The trio went ahead first as they had the most treasure. Thanks to Nami, they managed to bargain and get 300 million Beli from it. She helped me bargain too. Maybe I could learn a thing or two from her.

"I'll give you 43 million Beli for this"

Bowing my head, I graciously took the money before carefully stuffing it in my bag. After ensuring that it was safe, we left back to the Shipyard. The trio were each carrying a suitcase. I decided to use Observation Haki for fun only to see the future where Luffy dropped the case into the river so I sprung foward and caught it as Nami beat Luffy up. Usopp thanked me as he took the suitcase off my hands. There were no more hiccups along the way thankfully. Luffy tried to climb over the fence into the private area where only employees were allowed but someone moved so fast in front of Luffy and stopped him.

"Hey, hold on. You're not from here! Let's talk outside."

A/N: Thanks for reading this!

A/N: Thanks for reading this!

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