Chapter 49: LAURA

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(The song that I have linked up is Falling by Harry Styles and i think that it fits with the plot right now so do give it a listen:))

When I woke up after about three hours my head hurt so badly. I opened my eyes but immediately shut them because I was blinded by white lights increasing my head ache.

I mustered some strength and tried to slowly open my eyes. When I got my vision back I saw that an IV was injected on my hand.

Why does everything hurt so bad? What happened to me? Why am I here? Then it all came back to me. The series of events one leading to another.

Lynn's surgery. Ashley. Lynn's waking up. Her results. The pain in my chest. My passing out.

So I passed out in front of everyone and obviously now my parents know about my disease. I wanted to just crawl into a hole and die. As if you aren't dying right now my subconscious added. I internally screamed at this. Why? Is the only thing I kept asking myself.

Why did it have to happen right now? Just when Lynn's result came. Ugghhh!! Her results are a whole different story. I was so sure that they would come in her favor. That she would be taken out of this pain. Then why is this happening right now? I can't believe that both of us are dying. This is what is scaring me now. I don't want to die right now. I was always so strong so invulnerable but right now lying on my death bed I don't wanna go. I don't want to know what is on the other side.


Half way through my ranting a nurse came and knocked me out by giving me a dose of strong anesthesia.

When I woke up George was sitting on the edge of my bed.

"George?" I asked weakly opening up my eyes.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked getting up to pour me water. Of course he has to be a gentleman just right now.

"Fine," I replied getting up to drink a sip. George adjusted my pillows for me.

"Where are mom and dad?" I asked.

"I thought you told everyone," he said not replying me.

"George answer my question," I said getting irritated.

"They are hurt really bad Laura. You should not have done that," he said not looking at me.

"George I don't wanna listen to your rant, whatever I did was for them-" I started but I was cut off by him.


I have never seen him in anger so that calmed me down a bit. I was not angry or hurt I was just scared by the fire in his eyes.

"Don't shout at me," I said with all the courage that was left in me. This softened him up a bit.

"I am sorry I shouldn't have raised my voice at you but Laura please try to understand that what you did was not right. You should have had told anyone. Any adult about this."

"I know I was stupid but I did what I thought was right at the time my thoughts were so clouded that I couldn't figure anything up," I said as a tear streamed down my cheek.

George got up and wiped it off. Even his light touch sent shivers down my spine and I could tell that he was blushing himself.

"You can't rewind the time now Laura, just don't stress yourself. I-I don't want you to go," he said his voice breaking.

"How is Lynn?" I asked him trying to change the subject.

"She is okay. Just a little moved by her results. She said that she knew this was going to happen but she was still a little hopeful." George told me. Even the thought of losing Lynn broke my heart into a million pieces.

"What did she say about me?" I asked.

"She was happy that now at least everyone knows about it. She said that you would be alright."

I heaved a sigh as I put my head on the pillow.

"Why is it both of us?" I asked him.

"I don't know but god has a plan for everything," he said shortly but this small thought gave me indescribable peace.

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