Special Chapter: Meeting My Other Self

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Special Chapter: Meeting My Other Self
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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

"Wait who are you?"I asked

"I'm (M/N), who are you?" The other person said

"Wait, I'm so sorry but that can't be right because I'm (M/N)" I said

The other person yelled at me not to apologise. I was quite taken aback since he looked exactly like me except he didn't talk like I did. He was a bit of a savage and made a few dirty jokes which got me red. He was bold while I was timid. He told me he was from a different world where they were pirates who were trying to find the One Piece. I wish to be a bit more like him. He looked like he didn't take anyone's attitude. He was empowering. I told him about my world and he seemed to understand.

"Damn that's pretty cool, Soft child" He remarked

"...soft child?" I questioned

"Yes, you're soft spoken and seem like your overall a soft boy. Like a mom but I'm older so you're the child here."

"You seem like a bit like a mom too... you just don't show it. I know, I'll call you Pirate Baker"

"That's a horrible nickname then again people from your universe seem to have a bad time with names. The name Solid is hilarious. My universe isn't much better though."

Soon, my other self and I were on the floor laughing at how ridiculous the names were. For a last name, Monkey was just so hilarious. There were other names like Smoker and Crocodile which made me wonder who were these parents to name their kids such a thing. It turns out that my alternate version was very good swordsman. He was surprised when I showed him that I wielded a scythe twice my size and could do magic. It was a pleasurable experience.

Two portals popped up. It seems we had to go back to our worlds now. I waved goodbye to the other me and jumped into the portal before waking up in bed. My memory suddenly very foggy and I found myself forgetting what happened. I was too busy with Magna and Luck fighting in the base over pudding anyway. There was also my crying child on the floor because Asta finished the leftovers I made. My other child, Vanessa drunk again on the couch and she was trying to make her cat drink the alcohol. I smiled gently as I leaned on the doorway.

"Oi Ghost Maid! What's with that smile?"

"Nothing much Captain... I just feel like I woke up on the good side of the bed today."

"Damn, I was worried I would have to wake you up from your daydream with a kiss or throw you in the bathtub like usual."

"You make some funny jokes Captain. I doubt you would want to kiss me though. Anyways, I'll start making breakfast."

Yami seemed rather miffed at how happy I was. He gave me head a good head ruffle and I pouted at that before I picked the crying Charmy up and began making breakfast. This was just a normal day in the base. A sudden explosion with some yelling from Gauche over how he was going to kill Asta just made it more normal. I was glad to have these people.


A/N: Hello everyone, welcome to a personal section with the Author. I apologise for sounding very for sounding very formal but please have a seat and enjoy your drink. I hope you are all doing well. As the beggining suggests, this is Author's very first tag. Why would I be tagged? Good question but do I know the answer? Of course not but I was by redkurani.

Feel free to skip if this is not your cup of tea.

If you're still here then thank you for wanting to get to know me so here are ten facts about me. I'm actually going to change it to seven facts.
I like drawing and have been drawing for ten years now.
I can write up to 3k words a day and even more. If I'm put under a time crunch to write a story during a 30 minute exam then I can still do at least 1.5k words in that time.
I seem very formal and people that do know me have always been thrown off by how polite and formal I am.
If I'm ever in a negative state, I am pretty good at kicking my ass back into action.
People in my life get mad at me because I have a permanent scowl on my face.
Once I was in a negative state that had been taking place for three years but I told myself "Hey, no one is going to save me so I'm going to save myself" and I did.
My hair bangs are gravity defying which proves that it isn't just anime characters who have this trait.

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