Chapter one.

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm. A Monday morning.

How great.

I rush into the bathroom, not ready to receive a long lecture from my mom on waking up early. She always made it a point of duty to come into my room at exactly 6:30am, when my alarm comes off, and if I were still sleeping she'd pour me cold water, give me a very lengthy lecture, and still make sure I had left the house before 7:40.

I put the water on, and quickly brush my teeth, and get  into the tub. After my bath, I do my hair and put on very light make up, a gold glittery crop top, and black jeans, with my black heels. After making sure I look good, I pick my phone and car keys and go downstairs.

In case you're wondering, my name is Jewel White. I'm fifteen turning sixteen soon, I'm in 11th grade, and I'm among the youngest in my class, as most of my mates are already sixteen.

I have two elder siblings, twins, a boy and a girl; Tyler and Skyler, both in 12th grade.   They are seventeen, and are the most annoying two you will ever meet, but they both love me, and I'm happy for that. My dad owns an oil company, and my mom is a well known fashion designer. So, as you can already guess, we are wealthy. I mean, you can see it in my sister's dressing. Back to the story...

"Sky, Ty, get your asses down here", I yell, going to the dining. "Jewel, language", my mom reprimands. "Morning Mom",I say, kissing her cheek. "Thank God you woke up on your own without making me come into your room. Breakfast is on the table," she responds.

I roll my eyes. Inwardly. It was so difficult to say good morning back.

"Good morning darling", my dad says, walking up to the table. "Morning Dad." "Where are your siblings? They got to be more like you. Sky, Tyler, get your asses down here!", he yells. Mom doesn't say anything.

Oh, but it's okay when he says it.

"Morning Dad, Mom", Tyler greets, walking into the dining room. They respond. "There is a problem here," he starts. "Baby Sis, you look gorgeous. What's going on?"

Okay. Did he just imply that I normally look bad?

I was just about to reply when Skyler walks into the room, perfecting her makeup. "I think I have a few ideas why she looks good", she smirks. "Russell", she mouths.

I roll my eyes. "We're gonna be late. I won't wait for nobody. You both can drive and have cars", I say, with a mouth full. "Don't talk while eating".

It just had to be my mother.

"Sorry". "But you know my car ran out of gas", Skyler whines. "I don't care," I reply. "Young lady, respect", Mom says. I just have to be the one on mother's  bad side.

Sky shot me a victorious look. "Okay. That's it. Goodbye." I pick up my bag and leave. "Take a ride with Tyler", I say, before taking a selfie and walking out. "Bye darling", Dad calls out.

I walk into the hallway. Even though I don't like Mondays, things always seemed to work out for me. "Babe", Kiara greets, hugging me. "Gosh you look amazing", I say, hugging her back. She's wearing a black shoulder cut blouse, long sleeve, and black high waisted shorts. A black jacket, and black boots.

The devil herself.

"You too," she says. "I think we all know why". "Why?", I ask, pretending to not know. "Russell", she replies, in a kind of 'duh' tone. "I think we should get to homeroom," I say, taking her hand, after we both get our books from our lockers. "Way to change the subject", she mutters.

Okay, so now I have English for my first period, and I and Kiara are in the same English class. "Good morning class", Mrs Felix, our English teacher greets. We all respond, some lazily, while others like me are enthusiastic. I love English.

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