Chapter 22- Hospital Bed

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"She's in here!"

"I found her!"

"She's unconscious."

I try to open my eyes only to see two figures approaching me.


I feel something...a heartbeat against my chest.


I slowly open my eyes.

Everything is blurry.

I blink and try again, bringing the world into focus.

Bright white lights shine around me.

Is this heaven?

"She's awake!"

Ladybug? head...

I try to sit up but instantly regret it, as I wince in pain.

"It's okay, just lay down."

I turn my head to the voice.

"Ladybug...?" I croak.

My throat is so sore...

"We were so worried..."

"What happened?" I let out in a horse tone.

"You didn't have your mask and began suffocating, because of all the smoke. You blacked out and Chat Noir found you." Ladybug explains.

"Where am I?"

"The hospital. Don't worry, nobody saw your identity." Ladybug smiles at me. "I had to cover your face with a paper bag and remove your miraculous. I put it back on once the nurses changed you into that hospital gown. Then we just recovered you face with that cloth mask you're wearing."

I feel my neck, and sure enough I feel the little beads.

"What time is it?" I croak again.

"3:45 A.M." Ladybug says, glancing at the clock.

"Shoot, I need to get home..." I try to get up again but Ladybug sits me back down. "Your suit protected your from the flames, so you don't have any burns but you still inhaled a unhealthy amount of smoke. The doctors want to keep an eye on you for the next couple of hours."

"Where's Chat Noir?"

"He was waiting outside. Do you want to see him?"

"Yes, please."

Ladybug nods and leaves the room. A few minutes later Chat Noir walks in, and sits on the edge of my bed.

"Hey Snowflake." He gives me a little smile.

"Hi, Chaton."

"How are you feeling?"

"Besides the fact that my throat and chest really hurt," I cough. "I'm fine."

"I was so worried about you. You were just lying on the floor really scared me."

"It's alright, Chaton. I'll be okay." I give him a smile.

"But I just couldn't stand to loose you, too..."

I put my hand on top of his and gently rub it. He looks at me with wide eyes and pink cheeks.

"Don't worry, kitty. I'm not going anywhere." I give him a small smile. He returns it.

Chat Noir let's out a small yawn.

"You tired?" I ask.

Chat Noir nods. "But it's okay, I'll be fine." He quickly reassures me.

"It's been a long night for all of us..." I say.


Ladybug looks at the clock.

"They've been in there awhile now..." she mutters.

Ladybug walks over to Alley Cat's room and slowly creaks open the door. She let's out a small gasp.

Alley Cat is fast asleep, with her hand resting on her stomach. She softly snores. Chat Noir is lying down next to her, his cheek on her shoulder, as he softly purrs.

Ladybug smiles, takes a picture on her yo-yo, and silently closes the door.

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