Below the Delirious Cocoon...

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The insides of the cocoon are fairly well lit, the webbing not blocking much of the sunset's sunlight and the faint, dying glow of the blood spring. The sounds of the battle outside and slight tremors originating from the clash of revenants and a greater lost just outside disturb the already fragile situation inside.

The young woman holds her weapon against herself, so close to puncturing her throat. The only power she holds over the revenants who kept her in captivity was her own life, and she was more than determined to end it if she really needed to.

(Y/N)'s POV

I drop my sword on the ground to show I mean her no harm. Knowing most people would choose death over suffering a life of being drained, she is definitely not bluffing is she?

(Y/N): Okay, no need to be this drastic.

I raise both of my hands and take a small step towards the shaking woman, I just need to get close enough to disarm her.

Human Woman: I said stay back!

She presses the knife against her bruised skin, very intent on making that gash on her arm look like a scratch if I push her too much. I can't do much other than follow her demand and stand on that spot.

Human Woman: I'm the one who decides how I live.

Her voice is resolute, yet her body betrays her. Whether it be from physical abuse or fear her legs won't stop shaking, though she does keep her upper body in check.

Human Woman: I won't listen to you anymore.

(Y/N): I agree, now come—

Human Woman: I'm sick and tired of it! Day after day, having my blood sucked by every passing revenant.

Her head bobs up and down along with her heavy breaths, she must be exhausted after going through the city. But she shows no sign of backing down even in this condition, and her eyes snap aggressively at me to reinforce her speech.

Human Woman: I'm not an animal!

(Y/N):  I know how you feel.

I start taking off my mask.

Human Woman: W-what are you...

(Y/N): You're not the only runaway human out here.

Knowing this makes her relax her stance a little bit

Human Woman: You're human? But you were out there with those other revenants...

(Y/N): They offer protection back at their place, and most importantly safe passage to a government shelter, and...

I point at her without leaving my spot.

(Y/N): I'm sure they can do the same for you.

Human Woman: It's—

She adopts an expression of disbelief and lowers the knife, thankfully.

Human Woman: It's a trick! You are luring me in so they don't drain you instead!

(Y/N): Okay, I'll just let my friends convince you once they're done fighting that thing outside. But I'm sure you want to patch yourself up, and I'm willing to bet you're also hungry.

I reach inside my bag and pull out my good old first aid kit, now restocked with some things Louis left for me last night, along with one of the awfully large onigiri they gave me. I try to come closer but she tenses up again when I do it, so all I can do is let out a sigh and set the first aid on the ground and the onigiri on top of it on a napkin.

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