Mom's Night Out

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Farrah's POV

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Farrah's POV

"She's here!" I screamed in Jackson's face, excitedly looking up from my phone

"Who's here?" He laughed, shoving me off the end of the bed

"Rocki. Just thought I should let you know that I'll be occupied the whole night. Not that I was going to hang out with you anyway." I joked from my spot on the floor

"Then, what are you doing in here?" He asked, opening up his laptop

"Good question." I nodded, shutting the door behind me as I walked out, giving him no time to retort

I quickly rushed downstairs, where Rocki stood with her mom and Dj. I hopped down the last two steps, and jumped into Rocki's arms.

"Hey, short-stack." Rocki smiled

"Sup, rocky road." I shot back, waving to Gia in the process

"We're gonna go hang out with Ramona. Gotta catch up after being apart for two days." Rocki said, setting me down, and making her way up the stairs.

We, quickly, made our way to Ramona and I's room where she told us about her mom running away to Vegas to marry Matt. Saying we were shocked would be a lie though. It's Gia we're talking about.

"Your mom ran off and married Matt in Vegas whole you were at volleyball camp?" Ramona asked Rocki, who was spread across the bed with her head resting in my lap

"I thought the most embarrassing thing they were gonna do in Vegas is go see Carrot Top." Rocki replied, "Which they also did."

"That guys gives me the creeps. He looks like someone you warn your kids to stay away from." I shivered

"So, now I'm on to stepdad number three. I don't even bother to learn their last names anymore." Rocki sighed

"Well, you know what they say about three. They're the ones with the treasure chest...or something." I said, attempting to ease what was probably going to be an awkward mood

"You really don't learn their last names?" Ramona asked

"On second thought, maybe I should so I can forge his signature to get out of detention." Rocki joked, making us laugh

"My parents have been engaged so long, five of my favorite shows have been canceled and rebooted." Ramona added

"Hey, Ramo— Oh. Rocki. The competition." Jackson said, making his way into the room

"What's up, Fuller?" Rocki replied, acknowledging him

"What's up is you've been stealing my best friend, who's also my ex-girlfriend. But that doesn't matter, because you still stole her." Jackson accused

"Stole? You thought she was gonna give you another chance so quickly after that?" Rocki laughed

"I'm parched...gonna leave." Ramona coughed, before awkwardly exiting

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