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Tragedy is just an example of Fear.

| Luana's POV |

"Luana? Are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost." Kendra asked with her brows furrowed as she nudge me by my side because of that, the others also look at me. I just nodded my head at them as assurance that I'm fine. I notice how Kendra look at me as if she is not buying it though she shrug it off while I turn my gaze to Nisha again. She is back to her seat already and talking to her seatmates that is probably her dorm mates too.

I can't believe my own eyes to what I saw just minutes ago. I look around and looks like no one really noticed what I saw earlier however my eyes travels towards Draven who have his stare with something or.. someone. I divert my gaze to where his eyes are and saw Nisha. I look back at Draven and how he glimpse at me for a split second didn't escape my gaze. This action of his made me wonder...

"Now students, I would like you all to go back to your dorms except the Class Hydra." I heard Mr. William instructed as couple of groans echoes inside the hall.

I felt Juliane leaned towards me as she whispers. "What's with the sudden privacy, unnie? Do you have any idea?" she asked. I just simply shrug my shoulders cause I don't really have any idea what's inside the gods' and goddesses' mind since Athena didn't told me anything at all also.

Not that long, only me and and the Class Hydra with Mr. William are left. "Mr. William, is there something wrong? Why do they need to go?" Elaine asked confusedly as we all stood up.

"Your parents asked for you to get your blessings privately and you know we need to follow it." Mr. William answered. My brows automatically furrowed looking at him as I noticed that he is not telling us something.

"Eh? That's strange." I heard Juliane mumbled beside me.

"Let's not waste our time shall we, Class Hydra?" Mr. William signalled us to go to our positions. I heave a sigh and we just follow his words. I stood in front of Athena's statue that looks like looking down at me. I sigh as I close my eyes and I know I got transported to somewhere else. I opened my eyes and first thing I saw is her.


| Nisha's POV |

"Woah~ That ring is soo~ pretty~!" Westley exclaimed getting almost every students attention here in the hallway. She is holding my hand that have my ring and she looks more excited than me actually.

What I got in the ceremony is actually the ring that my Dad gave me when I'm still young. It is just a simple silver ring before with black onyx gemstone but now it is completely different. It is now a rose gold ring with unique gemstone that is carved to a poppy. The gemstone is mixed color of blue, purple and pink making it unique and magical.

I rolled my eyes playfully on Westley as I snatch back my hand. "Stop it Westley, you're getting the students attention." I told her.

"Ihh~! I don't care about them!" she stupidly exclaimed. I look at South for help since she is the sister here and as far as I know Westley is listening at her in someway.

South and Naomi chuckles at our side. South then pulled Westley away from me. "Stop it now Westley or no ice cream for you in a week." she told her sister while Westley's eyes widen as she quickly shook her head.

"No please no! I want ice cream!"

"Then sto--"

"Well well well~"

We halted from our steps as the four of us eyes the three students standing in our way. My brows furrowed instantly. Who are they? My eyes travels to their pins and figured out that they are like just us. They are also in Class Virgo yet I noticed the piece of cloth beside their pins and it is color silver. "The four students from dorm 665." the girl with long black hair with bright pink highlights, standing in the middle, said with a smirk plastered on her lips that I found annoying.

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