Episode 3. Mayhem in the mortal realm

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Azazel and the multiverse. Episode 3. Mayhem in the mortal realm.

Azazel rested his weary head on the obsidiane desk, nearly falling off of the short chair he sat in. as he peacefully dreamed, out of literally nowhere a dream world rift opened above the desk, Scorpio came falling down with a loud boom onto the desk. Azazel jolts up hearing the noise, crashing down onto the floor. In a flash jumped back up, brushing himself off.

"What in the blazes is going on Scorpio?" Azazel asks "Did ya hear about a good gas price or something? Did ya hear your favorite movie Yellow submarine was getting remade?"

"I-I wish" Scorpio says. Panting like he just ran a marathon. "Look-look. I-I-I"

"Good lord mate. Calm down pops" Azazel says "Chill for a bit. Maybe take a sip of an old dasani. Just calm your blood"

"C-c-Calara's coming to the mortal-mortal realm" Scorpio utters

"Wait-wait. What!?" He exclaims

'So-So. Using the hall of consciousness. I managed to get an idea of what she's doing from her perspective. She's on this spaceship and heading straight towards the mortal realm!"

'Could ya get any other info?"

"I-I guess I can't tell for certain. but it appears she wants Heaven to burn and crumble, with her at the top"

"I'd be impressed if she can get her little ass in" Azazel responds "As far as little old Alabelle told me they're quite the guarded place. Even to those with multiversal travel"

"Even-Even then. We'd rather not be dealing with heaven itself lookin like a smokey nightmare" Scorpio says.

"Got it!" Azazel says, whipping out his phone and in a flash dialing Alabelle.

Back on top of devils mountain in Barbatoses garden. Alabelle and Barbatos sit there, meditating, cherry blossom leaves floating around them when the loud ringing of Alabelles phone ruptures the silent atmosphere. Alabelle opens her white eyes and picks up the phone from her pocket, putting it near her ear.

"Greetings. Ta taa" Alabelle introduces herself "anything going on dear?"

"Uh yeah. According to old scorpio. Um" Azazel pauses "Calara will be arriving in the mortal realm any moment!"

"Understood darling. Now do you know where they'll be?" Alabelle calmly asks.

"Not a clue" Azazel responds "Scorpio. Do ya got any idea?" he blurts out.

"Uh-uh. I believe it was to the right of florida? Below Georgia and South carolina?" he yelled to Azazel.

"Sunset isles?" Azazel asks.

"Yeah-Yeah!" Scorpio yells.

"Alright. They should be around the Sunset isles."

"That's great to know Azazel. Me and barbatos will be there shortly. Ta taa" Alabelle says "See you soon"

"See ya" Azazel hung up the call. Barbatos opened his eyes and peered over towards Alabelle. Disturbed by the noise of the call.

"Whats going on?" Barbatos demands.

"Calara's coming here. Ta taa" Alabelle responds.

"What..." Barbatos responded. "I swear to christ if it has anything to do with clara"

"Sorry to down the mood but it does" Alabelle interrupts.

"Damn it," Barbatos says. "God. fuck me Fuck everything!!"

"Calm down now Barbatos" Alabelle says "I promise you won't have another broken leg darling."

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