pygmy puffs

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Sirius and Marlene, unfortunately, couldn't leave the country for their honeymoon, so they decided to spend the weekend at the beach instead. Remus was tasked with watching the twins, but Rose knew that the other inhabitants of Grimmauld Place would also be helping.

The day after the wedding, the Hogwarts letters went out. Not very surprisingly, Harry was made Quidditch captain.

"That gives you equal status with prefects!" Hermione announced happily. "You can use the special prefects bathroom now!"

"I remember when Charlie wore one of these," Ron said as he examined the badge. "This is so cool, you're my captain-well, if you let me on the team again, ha ha..."

"I guess we'll have to go to Diagon Alley now that you have these," Mrs. Weasley sighed as she looked over the book list. "We'll go in saturday if your father doesn't have to go into work again. I'm not going without him."

"Mum, do you honestly think You-know-who is gonna be hiding behind a bookshelf in Flourish and Blotts?" Ron asked with a laugh.

"Yes, and what happened to Fortescue and Ollivander?" Mrs. Weasley snapped. "If you think security is a laughing matter, then you can stay here and I'll get your stuff myself!"

"No, I wanna come, I wanna see Fred and George's shop!" Ron said quickly.

"Well then you better watch what you say!" Mrs. Weasley huffed.

"Yoi can't even make a joke around here," Ron whispered to Harry, but he was careful to not say anything about Voldemort in front of his mum for the next few days.

On Saturday morning, Bill, who would be staying home with Fleur, passed Rose and Harry two bags of money.

"Where's mine?" Ron asked with wide eyes.

"That's already theirs, idiot," Bill said. "I got it out of your vaults, cause it's taking about five hours for the public to get their gold right now due to all the security measures."

"Thanks, Bill," Harry and Rose said at the same time as they pocketed their gold. Rose pretended to not notice when a galleon from her bag fell on the floor and Ron picked it up. He went to hand it back to her but Rose just shook her head and he pocketed it gratefully.

"He is always so thoughtful," Fleur purred as she stroked Bill's nose, her French accent coming out extra strong. Ginny pretended to vomit into her cornflakes behind Fleur.

"Here are the cars," Mrs. Weasley said as she hurried into the kitchen. "Let's go, hurry up."

Everyone squeezed into the Ministry car, which had been magically enhanced to fit all of them. Mr. Weasley also announced that Harry and Rose would be getting extra security in Diagon Alley, even though neither of them wanted any. However, they were very excited when their security turned out to be Hagrid.

"Harry! Rose!" Hagrid boomed as he swept them into a hug. "Buckbeak-I mean, Witherwings-yeh should see him! He's so happy!"

Dumbledore had agreed to let Buckbeak live with Hagrid again, much to the pleasure of Sirius. He had gotten very tired of dealing with the hippogriff.

"I'm glad he's pleased!" Harry grinned as he massaged his ribs. "We didn't know security meant you."

"The Ministry wanted to send a bunch of Aurors, but Dumbledore said I would do," Hagrid said proudly as he started leading the group into the Leaky Cauldron, apologizing to the barman when he couldn't stay and talk. Rose let out a sad gasp when she saw Diagon Alley. It had lost all of its color and happiness. There were Ministry warning signs all over the buildings, and many of the stores were closed. There were shabby stalls lining the street, each of them selling something they claimed would help against Death Eaters.

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